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Java Code Geeks sponsor Philadelphia Java Users’ Group November 2014 Meeting

Here at Java Code Geeks, we love interacting with fellow geeks and we always strive to provide as much value as possible to our great audience.

In our continuous effort to support the community and further evangelize Java all over the world, we accepted a recent proposal to sponsor the Philadelphia Java Users’ Group November 2014 Meeting.

Dave Fecak, a JCG partner of ours, founder and president of the Philadelphia JUG, reached out to us and kindly asked us if we are willing to sponsor their upcoming event. We gladly accepted the invitation and provided the financial support for it. Dave took over the execution part of the event.

The event was a great success and the speaker, Frederic Jambukeswaran, exceeded all expectations with his great presentation on Java Application Deployment (slides here).

The PhillyJUG people thanking us for the sponsorship!

Unfortunately, we were not able to participate in the meeting (we are in a different continent), but we were there mentally and we were extremely happy (and a bit touched) to see, firsthand, people enjoying our assistance and help, even if that was purely monetary.

We would like to thank Dave and all the User Group. Keep coding guys!

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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