Enterprise Java

Jax-RS custom exception handling

One of the nice things about working with JEE is the components available really are pretty standard.  While using JAX-RS, sometimes you need to control how exceptions get processed and fed back to the user.  If an exception is thrown, by default, you’ll get some horrible HTTP 500 internal server exception, exposing the internal failings of your web service.

Consider the following gist, this endpoint would be used to view a user based on the Id.

public interface UserWebService {
	@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
	@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
	Response getUser(@PathParam("userId") String userId);

Now, the implementation of this interface would look something like the following, to do the donkey work of actually retrieving the user.

public final class UserWebServiceImpl implements UserWebService {
	private UserDao userDao;
	public Response getUser(final String userId) {
		final User user = userDao.getUser(userId);
		return Response.ok().entity(user).build();

This looks fine, but consider if the userDao was doing some entity business logic, using Query.getSingleResult and the user with this ID didn’t exist?

According to the JEE6 API documentation, you’d receive a NoResultException, which would cause an HTTP 500 error exposing your internal server exception, which is definitely something end users shouldn’t see. We need to leverage the exception handling of Jax-RS!

First, we need a dumb exception object, appropriately named, which will be what we’ll actually throw, consider the code below..

public class UserWebServiceException extends Exception implements
	Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1169426381288170661L;

	public UserWebServiceException() {

	public UserWebServiceException(String msg) {

	public UserWebServiceException(String msg, Exception e) {
		super(msg, e);

Next, we need to modify our original code to take into account this exception, I’ve modified the original UserWebService and associated implementation appropriately below.

public interface UserWebService {
	@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
	@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
	Response getUser(@PathParam("userId") String userId) throws UserWebServiceException;
public final class UserWebServiceImpl implements UserWebService {
	private UserDao userDao;
	public Response getUser(final String userId) throws UserWebServiceException {
		try {
			final User user = userDao.getUser(userId);
		} catch(NoResultException e) {
			throw new UserWebServiceException("User does not exist with id " + userId);
		return Response.ok().entity(user).build();

This will now throw an appropriate exception when a user cannot be found. However, we still need to create a Handler object to convert this exception into an actual JSON response so we get a nice friendly error message. The class below handles this exception and will convert the error message in the exception into a JSON response. The important annotation you’ll see on this class is the @Provider annotation.

public final class UserWebServiceExceptionHandler implements
	ExceptionMapper<UserWebServiceException> {

	public Response toResponse(final UserWebServiceException exception) {
		return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST)
			.entity(new ErrorMessage(exception.getMessage())

You’ll notice we create an ErrorMessage object to respond to from the web service. This is just a simple dumb object to hold the details of the actual error that’ll be marshalled into JSON.

public class ErrorMessage {
	private String error;

	public ErrorMessage(String error) {
		this.error = error;

	public String getError() {
		return error;

The final step in mapping our exception handler provider to the web-app is to add the following into our web.xml for our webapp.


Now when we call this REST endpoint with a user ID that doesn’t exist (let’s say “DAG”), we’ll happily receive the following JSON response rather than a stacktrace.

	"error": "User does not exist with id DAG"
Reference: Jax-RS custom exception handling from our JCG partner David Gray at the Code Mumble blog.

David Gray

David is a software engineer with a passion for everything Java and the web. He is a server side java developer based in Derby, England by day and a Android, jQuery, jack of all trades by night.
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