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5 Reasons you should try JCG Academy

It is a while now since we quietly launched JCG Academy. It is a subscription based site geared to serious developers that wish to sharpen their technical skills. It includes numerous courses on the latest technologies and it gets updated with new content on a weekly basis.

I urge you to have a look at it and try it out, you will definitely be compensated for your time and money. Having said that, here are 5 reasons why you should try it out:

1) Kick-ass tutorials on cutting edge technologies

Staying up to date in the ever changing technology world is undoubtedly quite challenging. More and more new technologies pop up every day and the task of catching up with all of them can be daunting. JCG Academy will help you keep up with all the new cool stuff so that you are not left behind.

2) It will actually save you money

How is that possible, you might ask. Well, consider this: “Time is money”. This is a fact of life. If you manage to save even 1 hour per month by reading our high quality tutorials and not some random, outdated material on the internet, you will have already recouped your investment. That is of course if you value your time at more than 9$/hour (which I strongly hope you do). Stop losing precious time, get on-board.

3) Premium quality guaranteed by the Java Code Geeks

We are the Java Code Geeks. We deliver high quality stuff for quite a while now. You know us, you trust us. You can be sure that we will be there for you. If at any point you face any issue with our platform, our team will immediately respond and resolve it.

4) 100% No B.S. money back guarantee

We are so confident that you will gain enormous value from our courses that we offer a 100%, no questions asked, money back guarantee. If at any point you feel that our value proposition is not for you, just shoot us an email and we will refund your paid amount without further questions. Enough said.

5) It will give you a competitive advantage

Whether you are looking to advance your career in the corporate world or create the next million dollar startup, you will need some serious technical education. Let’s face it, having knowledge of the latest technologies will give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. JCG Academy will ensure that you get ahead of the competition by providing access to top notch material.

So, these are only some of the reasons why you should try out JCG Academy. Get on-board, enjoy the ride and save some money at the same time. We are waiting for you. Happy reading!

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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