Core Java

Java 8 Friday Goodies: Lambdas and SQL

At Data Geekery, we love Java. And as we’re really into jOOQ’s fluent API and query DSL, we’re absolutely thrilled about what Java 8 will bring to our ecosystem. We have blogged a couple of times about some nice Java 8 goodies, and now we feel it’s time to start a new blog series, the…

Java 8 Friday

Every Friday, we’re showing you a couple of nice new tutorial-style Java 8 features, which take advantage of lambda expressions, extension methods, and other great stuff. You’ll find the source code on GitHub.

Java 8 Goodie: Lambdas and SQL

If you’re used to writing Groovy, this may appear “so 2003″ to you. We know. Groovy has known a very useful way to write string-based SQL since its early days. Here’s an example written in Groovy (see the official docs here):

import groovy.sql.Sql
sql = Sql.newInstance( 
    'jdbc:h2:~/test', 'sa', '', 
    'org.h2.Driver' )
    'select * from information_schema.schemata' 
) { 
    println "$it.SCHEMA_NAME -- $it.IS_DEFAULT" 

Note also Groovy’s built-in String interpolation, where you can put expressions into strings. But we’re in Java land, and with Java 8, things get better in the Java / SQL integration as well, if we’re using third-party libraries, instead of JDBC directly.

In the following examples, we’re looking at how to fetch data from an H2 database and map records into custom POJOs / DTOs using these three popular libraries:

As always, the sources are also available from GitHub. For these tests, we’re creating a little POJO / DTO to wrap schema meta-information:

class Schema {
    final String schemaName;
    final boolean isDefault;

    Schema(String schemaName, boolean isDefault) {
        this.schemaName = schemaName;
        this.isDefault = isDefault;

    public String toString() {
        return "Schema{" +
               "schemaName='" + schemaName + '\'' +
               ", isDefault=" + isDefault +

Our main method will get an H2 connection through DriverManager:

try (Connection c = getConnection(
        "jdbc:h2:~/test", "sa", "")) {

  String sql = "select schema_name, is_default "+
               "from information_schema.schemata "+
               "order by schema_name";
  // Library code here...

Now, how does Java 8 improve upon the jOOQ API, when using String-based SQL? Greatly! Check out the following little query:

   .map(r -> new Schema(
       r.getValue("SCHEMA_NAME", String.class),
       r.getValue("IS_DEFAULT", boolean.class)

This is how things should be, right? Note that jOOQ’s native APIs are also capable of mapping the database Record onto your POJO directly, as such:


Things look just as nice when doing the same with Spring JDBC and RowMapper (note, the following still throws checked SQLExceptions):

new JdbcTemplate(
        new SingleConnectionDataSource(c, true))
    .query(sql, (rs, rowNum) -> 
        new Schema(

… and if you’re using Apache DbUtils, you can do almost the same:

new QueryRunner()
    .query(c, sql, new ArrayListHandler())
    .map(array -> new Schema(
        (String) array[0],
        (Boolean) array[1]


All three solutions are more or less equivalent and quite lean. The point here, again, is that Java 8 will improve all existing APIs. The more unambiguous (few overloads!) methods accepting SAM arguments (single abstract method types), the better for a Java 8 integration.

Next week, we’re going to see a couple of things that will greatly improve when using the java.util.Map API.


Reference: Java 8 Friday Goodies: Lambdas and SQL from our JCG partner Lukas Eder at the JAVA, SQL, AND JOOQ blog.

Lukas Eder

Lukas is a Java and SQL enthusiast developer. He created the Data Geekery GmbH. He is the creator of jOOQ, a comprehensive SQL library for Java, and he is blogging mostly about these three topics: Java, SQL and jOOQ.
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