Starting with Docker Cheatsheet

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JCGs (Java Code Geeks) is an independent online community focused on creating the ultimate Java to Java developers resource center; targeted at the technical architect, technical team lead (senior developer), project manager and junior developers alike.

This guide aims to provide an overview of the key concepts and features of Docker, along with practical examples and tips for using it effectively. It covers topics such as Docker installation, image creation and management, container orchestration, networking, volumes, and troubleshooting common issues. Whether you are new to Docker or have some experience with it, this guide can serve as a valuable reference for improving your Docker skills and understanding how it can help streamline your development and deployment workflows.

Starting with Docker Cheatsheet includes:

    1. Why use Docker?
    2. Docker terminology
    3. Installing Docker
    4. Running your first Docker container
    5. Managing Docker containers
    6. Docker images and the Docker Hub
    7. docker run
    8. docker ps
    9. docker stop
    10. docker build
    11. Creating a Dockerfile
    12. Building a Docker image from a Dockerfile
    13. Creating custom Docker networks
    14. Creating a Docker volume .
    15. Docker volume command options
    16. Deploying services on a Docker Swarm cluster
    17. Common Docker Issues
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