Getting Started With GraphQL Cheatsheet

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JCGs (Java Code Geeks) is an independent online community focused on creating the ultimate Java to Java developers resource center; targeted at the technical architect, technical team lead (senior developer), project manager and junior developers alike.

In this cheatsheet, we will embark on a journey to explore the core principles of GraphQL and its ecosystem. We’ll cover topics such as schema design, querying and mutation operations, type systems, and resolver functions. Additionally, we’ll delve into advanced concepts like subscriptions, authentication, and performance optimization, equipping you with the knowledge needed to build real-world GraphQL applications.

Getting Started with GraphQL Cheatsheet includes:

    1. The Evolutionary Journey of GraphQL
    2. Advantages and Disadvantages of GraphQL
    3. Difference between GraphQL and REST API
    4. Practical use cases of GraphQL
    5. Best practices
    6. Mistakes to avoid while working with GraphQL
    7. Design Principles
    8. Schemas and Types
    9. GraphQL Queries and Mutations
    10. Query
    11. Mutation
    12. Mutation with Arguments
    13. Mutation with Nested Objects
    14. Securing GraphQL APIs
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