Core Java

Intro to the Apache Commons CLI

The Apache Commons CLI library is a powerful tool that enables developers to efficiently create command line interfaces (CLIs) for software applications. This framework streamlines the development process by offering support for defining CLI options and performing basic validation. It simplifies the parsing of command line arguments and their associated values, which can then be utilized by the underlying services of the tool. Notably, this library is widely used in several Apache projects, including Kafka, Maven, Ant, and Tomcat. Let us delve into understanding the Apache Commons CLI library, important classes in the library, and implementation details.

1. Apache Commons CLI Library

The Apache Commons CLI library is a powerful tool that enables developers to efficiently create command line interfaces (CLIs) for software applications. This framework streamlines the development process by offering support for defining CLI options and performing basic validation. It simplifies the parsing of command line arguments and their associated values, which can then be utilized by the underlying services of the tool. Notably, this library is widely used in several Apache projects, including Kafka, Maven, Ant, and Tomcat. In this article, we will explore key concerns of a CLI, important classes in the library, and implementation details.

1.1 Key Concerns of a CLI

When designing a Command Line Interface (CLI), there are several key concerns that developers must address to ensure usability, robustness, and efficiency:

  • Ease of Use: The CLI should be intuitive and easy to use for both novice and experienced users. This involves clear and concise command structures, meaningful option names, and helpful documentation or help messages.
  • Consistency: Commands and options should be consistent in their naming conventions and behavior. This helps users predict how the CLI will respond to their inputs and reduces the learning curve.
  • Validation: Input validation is crucial to prevent errors and misuse. The CLI should validate command line arguments and options to ensure they conform to expected formats and values.
  • Error Handling: Proper error handling mechanisms should be in place to provide informative messages when something goes wrong. This includes handling invalid inputs, missing required options, and other potential issues gracefully.
  • Flexibility: The CLI should be flexible enough to accommodate various user needs and scenarios. This includes supporting different types of options (e.g., flags, key-value pairs) and allowing for extensibility.
  • Performance: Efficient parsing and execution of commands are important, especially for CLIs used in performance-critical applications.
  • Security: Sensitive data passed through the CLI should be handled securely to prevent leaks or unauthorized access. This includes proper handling of passwords, tokens, and other confidential information.

1.2 Important Classes

The Apache Commons CLI library provides several important classes that facilitate the creation and management of command-line interfaces. Here are some of the key classes:

  • CommandLine: Represents a list of arguments parsed against a Options descriptor. This class provides methods to query the parsed options and their values.
  • Options: A container for the set of Option objects. This class allows you to define and manage the various options that your CLI supports.
  • Option: Represents a single option on the command line. This class includes attributes such as the option name, whether it requires an argument and the description.
  • OptionBuilder: A helper class to simplify the creation of Option instances. It provides a fluent API for setting various properties of an option.
  • DefaultParser: The default implementation of the CommandLineParser interface. This class is responsible for parsing the command line arguments based on the defined options.
  • HelpFormatter: A utility class to automatically generate help messages for the CLI. It formats the options and their descriptions into a user-friendly help output.

1.3 Implementation

Let’s walk through a simple implementation using the Apache Commons CLI library. We will create a CLI that accepts two options: a required file path and an optional verbosity flag.

1.3.1 Adding Dependencies

First, ensure that you have added the Apache Commons CLI dependency to your project. If you’re using Maven, add the following to your pom.xml:


1.3.2 Defining Options

Next, define the options for your CLI using the Options class. The provided code demonstrates the setup of command-line options for a Java CLI application using the Apache Commons CLI library. Let’s break it down:

Options options = new Options();

    .desc("The file path")

    .desc("Enable verbose output")

First, an object ‘options’ of the Options class is instantiated. This class represents a collection of command-line options supported by the application.

An option is added to the ‘options’ object using the addOption method. Here, a new option is created with a short option ‘-f’, and a long option ‘–file’. This option is described as “The file path”. It expects an argument (specified by hasArg method), which is denoted by ‘FILE’ (specified by argName method). Additionally, the option is marked as required using the required method, meaning it must be provided when executing the CLI application.

Another option is added similarly. This time, a short option ‘-v’ and a long option ‘–verbose’ are created. This option is described as “Enable verbose output”. Unlike the previous option, it does not require an argument. Therefore, the hasArg method is not invoked.

Each option is built using the build method of the Option.Builder class. This method returns a fully configured Option object that is then added to the ‘options’ collection.

1.3.3 Parsing Arguments

Use the DefaultParser to parse the command line arguments:

CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();

try {
    CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
    String filePath = cmd.getOptionValue("file");
    boolean isVerbose = cmd.hasOption("verbose");
    // Implement your logic here
    System.out.println("File Path: " + filePath);
    if (isVerbose) {
        System.out.println("Verbose mode enabled.");
} catch (ParseException e) {
    HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
    formatter.printHelp("yourcli", options);

This code snippet demonstrates how to parse command-line arguments and extract values based on defined options using the Apache Commons CLI library in Java. Let’s break down the code:

A CommandLineParser instance ‘parser’ is created using the DefaultParser class. This parser is responsible for parsing the command-line arguments based on the provided options.

Inside a try block, the parser’s parse method is called with the defined options (‘options’) and the command-line arguments (‘args’) passed to the Java program. This method parses the arguments and returns a CommandLine object (‘cmd’) representing the parsed result.

The getOptionValue method of the CommandLine object is used to retrieve the value of the ‘file’ option specified in the command-line arguments. This value is stored in the ‘filePath’ variable.

The hasOption method of the CommandLine object is used to check whether the ‘verbose’ option is specified in the command-line arguments. If it is, the ‘isVerbose’ variable is set to true; otherwise, it remains false.

After extracting the necessary values, the program executes custom logic. In this example, it prints the file path to the console. If the ‘verbose’ option is enabled, it also prints a message indicating verbose mode is enabled.

If an exception occurs during parsing (such as invalid command-line arguments), a ParseException is caught. In this case, a HelpFormatter instance is created to print the help message (‘options’) for the CLI application, which provides information about how to use the application with the available options.

1.3.4 Handling Errors

If the user provides invalid arguments or requests help, display a help message using the HelpFormatter:

HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
formatter.printHelp("yourcli", options);

1.4 Pros and Cons of Apache Commons CLI Library

1.4.1 Pros

  • Comprehensive Features: Provides a wide range of features for defining, parsing, and managing command line options.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the creation of command line interfaces with intuitive APIs.
  • Flexibility: Supports various types of options and arguments, including required, optional, and grouped options.
  • Automatic Help Generation: Generates user-friendly help messages automatically.
  • Well-Documented: Extensive documentation and community support.
  • Widely Used: Adopted by major Apache projects, ensuring its reliability and robustness.

1.4.2 Cons

  • Learning Curve: This may have a steep learning curve for beginners due to the extensive features and options available.
  • Overhead: Might introduce additional overhead for simple CLI applications compared to minimalistic alternatives.
  • Dependency Management: Adds dependency to the project, which may not be desirable in some cases.
  • Limited to Java: Specifically designed for Java applications, limiting its use in projects using other programming languages.

2. Additional Examples

Here are more examples demonstrating additional capabilities of the Apache Commons CLI library:

2.1 Parsing Arguments with Defaults

You can provide default values for options that are not supplied by the user. Let’s break down the code step by step.

Options options = new Options();
    .desc("Timeout duration in seconds")

CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
try {
    CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
    int timeout = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("timeout", "30"));
    System.out.println("Timeout: " + timeout + " seconds");
} catch (ParseException e) {
    HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
    formatter.printHelp("yourcli", options);

First, an object of the Options class is instantiated. This class is used to define the options that the CLI application supports. It provides methods to add different types of options like flags, options with arguments, etc. Here, an option ‘-t’ (short option) or ‘–timeout’ (long option) is added, which is described as “Timeout duration in seconds” and expects an argument of type SECONDS.

The CommandLineParser instance ‘parser’ is created using the DefaultParser class. This parser is responsible for parsing the command-line arguments based on the provided options.

Inside a try block, the parser’s parse method is called with the defined options and the command-line arguments passed to the Java program. This method parses the arguments and returns a CommandLine object representing the parsed result.

The next line retrieves the value of the ‘timeout’ option from the CommandLine object. If the ‘timeout’ option is not provided, a default value of 30 seconds is used. The retrieved value is then converted to an integer and stored in the ‘timeout’ variable.

Finally, the timeout value is printed to the console along with a descriptive message. If an exception occurs during parsing (such as invalid command-line arguments), a ParseException is caught, and a HelpFormatter instance is used to print the help message, which provides information about how to use the CLI application with the available options.

2.2 Grouping Options

Sometimes, you may need to group options to ensure certain options are provided together. The provided code demonstrates the setup of mutually exclusive options (options where only one can be selected) for a Java CLI application using the Apache Commons CLI library. Let’s analyze it step by step.

Options options = new Options();
OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup();
group.addOption(new Option("a", "option-a", false, "Option A"));
group.addOption(new Option("b", "option-b", false, "Option B"));

CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
try {
    CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
    if (cmd.hasOption("a")) {
        System.out.println("Option A selected");
    } else if (cmd.hasOption("b")) {
        System.out.println("Option B selected");
} catch (ParseException e) {
    HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
    formatter.printHelp("yourcli", options);

First, an object ‘options’ of the Options class is instantiated. This class represents a collection of command-line options supported by the application.

Next, an OptionGroup ‘group’ is created. An OptionGroup is used to define a group of options where only one option can be selected at a time. Two options, ‘option-a’ and ‘option-b’, are added to this group. They are represented by short options ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively, with corresponding long options ‘option-a’ and ‘option-b’. Both options are described as “Option A” and “Option B” respectively. These options are marked as not requiring an argument (false argument passed to the Option constructor).

The setRequired method is invoked on the OptionGroup to specify that the selection of one of the options from the group is mandatory. This ensures that the user must select either ‘option-a’ or ‘option-b’ when running the CLI application.

The OptionGroup ‘group’ is then added to the ‘options’ collection.

The CommandLineParser instance ‘parser’ is created using the DefaultParser class. This parser is responsible for parsing the command-line arguments based on the provided options.

Inside a try block, the parser’s parse method is called with the defined options and the command-line arguments passed to the Java program. This method parses the arguments and returns a CommandLine object representing the parsed result.

The code checks if either ‘option-a’ or ‘option-b’ is selected using the hasOption method of the CommandLine object. Depending on the selection, corresponding messages are printed to the console.

If an exception occurs during parsing (such as invalid command-line arguments), a ParseException is caught, and a HelpFormatter instance is used to print the help message, which provides information about how to use the CLI application with the available options.

These examples demonstrate the flexibility and power of the Apache Commons CLI library. By leveraging its capabilities, you can build sophisticated command line interfaces tailored to your application’s needs.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Apache Commons CLI library is an essential tool for developers looking to create robust and efficient command-line interfaces. By addressing key concerns such as ease of use, consistency, validation, error handling, flexibility, performance, and security, developers can build CLIs that are both powerful and user-friendly. The library’s important classes, including CommandLine, Options, Option, OptionBuilder, DefaultParser, and HelpFormatter, provide a comprehensive framework for defining, parsing, and managing command line options. Through practical implementation steps, developers can leverage these classes to streamline the development process and ensure their CLI applications meet high standards of functionality and reliability. With its widespread adoption in major Apache projects, the Apache Commons CLI library is a proven solution for CLI development.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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