Core Java

Generics in Java

Generics in Java provide a way to create reusable code that can work with different types of data. It allows you to define classes, interfaces, and methods that can operate on a variety of data types without sacrificing type safety. Introduced in Java 5, generics have become an essential feature of the Java programming language.

Before generics, Java used raw types, which allowed any type of object to be stored in a collection. However, this lack of type safety often led to runtime errors and made code harder to understand and maintain. Generics address these issues by providing compile-time type checking and type inference.

Here are some key concepts related to generics in Java:

  1. Type Parameters: Generics use type parameters, which are placeholders for types that will be specified when using a generic class, interface, or method. Type parameters are enclosed in angle brackets (“<>” symbols) and can be named anything you like. Common conventions include using single uppercase letters (e.g., E, T, K, V).
  2. Generic Classes and Interfaces: You can define a generic class or interface by including type parameters in its declaration. These parameters can then be used as the types of fields, method parameters, and return types within the class or interface. When an instance of a generic class or interface is created, the type argument(s) are provided to specify the actual types being used.
  3. Type Bounds: It is possible to constrain the types that can be used as arguments for a generic class or interface by specifying type bounds. Type bounds can be either a specific class or an interface, and they ensure that only types that extend the specified class or implement the specified interface can be used as type arguments.
  4. Wildcards: Wildcards provide flexibility when working with unknown types. There are two wildcard types in Java: the upper bounded wildcard (? extends Type) and the lower bounded wildcard (? super Type). The upper bounded wildcard allows any type that is a subtype of the specified type, while the lower bounded wildcard allows any type that is a supertype of the specified type.
  5. Generic Methods: In addition to generic classes and interfaces, Java also supports generic methods. These methods have their own type parameters that can be used to specify the types of their parameters and return values independently of the enclosing class or interface.

Generics provide benefits such as improved type safety, code reuse, and cleaner code. They allow you to write more generic algorithms and data structures that can handle different types without sacrificing type checking at compile time. By using generics, you can create more robust and maintainable Java code.

Advantages of Java Generics

Java generics offer several advantages that contribute to writing safer, more flexible, and more reusable code. Here are some key advantages of Java generics:

  1. Type Safety: One of the primary benefits of generics is increased type safety. With generics, you can specify the types of elements that a class, interface, or method can work with. This enables the compiler to perform type checking at compile time, preventing type-related errors and promoting more reliable code. It eliminates the need for explicit type casting and reduces the risk of runtime ClassCastException.
  2. Code Reusability: Generics allow you to write reusable code that can operate on different types. By parameterizing classes, interfaces, and methods with type parameters, you can create components that can be used with a variety of data types. This promotes code reuse, as you don’t have to rewrite similar code for different types. Instead, you can create generic algorithms and data structures that work with multiple types.
  3. Compile-Time Type Checking: The use of generics enables the compiler to perform compile-time type checking, catching type errors before the code is executed. This leads to early detection of type mismatches, making it easier to identify and fix issues during development. By identifying type-related errors at compile time, it reduces the likelihood of encountering type-related bugs at runtime.
  4. Enhanced Readability and Maintainability: Generics improve code readability by explicitly indicating the intended types. By using type parameters, you convey the expectations of the code to other developers, making it easier to understand and maintain. It also reduces the need for comments or documentation to explain the purpose and expected types of variables, parameters, and return values.
  5. Performance Optimization: Generics in Java are implemented using type erasure. This means that the type information is erased at runtime, and the compiled code works with raw types. As a result, there is no runtime overhead due to generics. This allows you to write generic code without sacrificing performance.
  6. Collection Safety: Generics greatly enhance the safety and integrity of collections such as ArrayList, LinkedList, and HashMap. With generics, you can specify the type of objects stored in a collection, and the compiler ensures that only objects of the specified type are inserted or retrieved. This prevents runtime errors, improves code reliability, and avoids the need for explicit type casting when working with collections.

Overall, Java generics provide significant advantages in terms of type safety, code reuse, readability, maintainability, and collection safety. They enable you to write robust and flexible code that is less prone to type-related errors and promotes better software engineering practices.

Example Program of Java Generics

Here’s an example program that demonstrates the use of generics in Java:

public class GenericExample<T> {
    private T value;

    public GenericExample(T value) {
        this.value = value;

    public T getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(T value) {
        this.value = value;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GenericExample<String> stringExample = new GenericExample<>("Hello, World!");
        System.out.println("String Example: " + stringExample.getValue());

        GenericExample<Integer> integerExample = new GenericExample<>(42);
        System.out.println("Integer Example: " + integerExample.getValue());

In this example, we have a generic class called GenericExample that can work with any type T. It has a private field value of type T, along with a constructor, getter, and setter methods to manipulate the value.

In the main method, we create two instances of GenericExample: one with type parameter String and another with type parameter Integer. We initialize them with different values and then retrieve and print the values using the getValue method.

When we run the program, it will output:

String Example: Hello, World!
Integer Example: 42

As you can see, the GenericExample class is instantiated with different types (String and Integer), and the code remains the same regardless of the type. This demonstrates how generics allow us to write reusable code that can work with different types.

Java Generics Examples Using Different Types

Here are a few examples showcasing generics with different types in Java:

  1. Generic Method with Multiple Types:
public class GenericMethods {
    public static <K, V> void printMap(Map<K, V> map) {
        for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, Integer> scores = new HashMap<>();
        scores.put("John", 90);
        scores.put("Alice", 95);
        scores.put("Bob", 80);


In this example, we have a generic method printMap that can take a Map with any key-value types. The method iterates over the map entries and prints them. In the main method, we create a Map with String keys and Integer values and pass it to the printMap method.

  1. Generic Class with Bounds:
public class NumericBox<T extends Number> {
    private T value;

    public NumericBox(T value) {
        this.value = value;

    public double square() {
        double num = value.doubleValue();
        return num * num;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NumericBox<Integer> intBox = new NumericBox<>(5);
        System.out.println("Square of Integer: " + intBox.square());

        NumericBox<Double> doubleBox = new NumericBox<>(3.14);
        System.out.println("Square of Double: " + doubleBox.square());

In this example, we have a generic class NumericBox that only accepts types that extend Number. It has a constructor to initialize the value and a method square that calculates the square of the value. In the main method, we create instances of NumericBox with Integer and Double types, and then call the square method.

  1. Generic Interface:
public interface Stack<T> {
    void push(T element);
    T pop();
    boolean isEmpty();

public class ArrayStack<T> implements Stack<T> {
    private List<T> stack = new ArrayList<>();

    public void push(T element) {

    public T pop() {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack is empty");
        return stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return stack.isEmpty();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Stack<String> stringStack = new ArrayStack<>();

        while (!stringStack.isEmpty()) {

In this example, we define a generic interface Stack with methods push, pop, and isEmpty. We then implement this interface with a class ArrayStack that uses a generic List to store the elements. In the main method, we create an instance of ArrayStack with String type and perform push and pop operations on the stack.

These examples demonstrate the versatility of generics in Java, allowing you to work with different types in a generic and type-safe manner.

Wildcard in Java Generics

Wildcards in Java generics provide a way to specify unknown types or a range of types. They allow for increased flexibility when working with generic classes, interfaces, and methods. There are two types of wildcards: the upper bounded wildcard (? extends Type) and the lower bounded wildcard (? super Type).

  1. Upper Bounded Wildcard (? extends Type): The upper bounded wildcard restricts the unknown type to be a specific type or any of its subtypes. It allows you to specify that a parameter can be of any type that extends or implements a particular class or interface.
public static double sumOfList(List<? extends Number> numbers) {
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (Number number : numbers) {
        sum += number.doubleValue();
    return sum;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
    double sum = sumOfList(integers);
    System.out.println("Sum: " + sum);

In this example, the method sumOfList accepts a List with an upper bounded wildcard <? extends Number>. This means it can accept a list of any type that extends Number, such as Integer, Double, or Float. The method iterates over the list and calculates the sum of the numbers.

  1. Lower Bounded Wildcard (? super Type): The lower bounded wildcard restricts the unknown type to be a specific type or any of its supertypes. It allows you to specify that a parameter can be of any type that is a superclass or superinterface of a particular class or interface.
public static void printElements(List<? super Integer> list) {
    for (Object element : list) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<Number> numbers = new ArrayList<>();


In this example, the method printElements accepts a List with a lower bounded wildcard <? super Integer>. This means it can accept a list of any type that is a superclass of Integer, such as Number or Object. The method iterates over the list and prints each element.

Wildcards provide flexibility when you have a generic code that needs to operate on unknown types or a range of types. They allow you to write more versatile and reusable code by accommodating different types without sacrificing type safety.

  1. UnBounded Wildcard (?): An unbounded wildcard in Java generics, represented by just a question mark ?, allows for maximum flexibility by accepting any type. It is useful when you want to work with a generic class, interface, or method without specifying any restrictions on the type.Here’s an example that demonstrates the usage of unbounded wildcards:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class UnboundedWildcardExample {
    public static void printList(List<?> list) {
        for (Object element : list) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>();

        List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();


In this example, we have a method called printList that accepts a List with an unbounded wildcard List<?>. This means the method can accept a List of any type.

In the main method, we create two List instances—one with Integer type and another with String type. We then call the printList method and pass in these lists. The method iterates over the elements of the list and prints them.

By using the unbounded wildcard, the printList method becomes generic and can handle List instances of any type. This allows for maximum flexibility, as it accepts and processes lists without any restrictions on the type of elements.

Note that when using an unbounded wildcard, you can retrieve elements from the list as Object since the type is unknown.


In conclusion, generics in Java provide several advantages that contribute to writing safer, more flexible, and more reusable code. They promote type safety by enabling compile-time type checking, reducing the risk of type-related errors and ClassCastException at runtime. Generics also enhance code reusability by allowing components to work with multiple types, reducing the need for redundant code.

By using generics, code becomes more readable and maintainable, as the intended types are explicitly specified. This reduces the need for comments or documentation to explain the purpose and expected types of variables, parameters, and return values.

Generics in Java also optimize performance as they are implemented using type erasure, resulting in no runtime overhead. This allows developers to write generic code without sacrificing performance.

When working with collections, generics ensure collection safety by allowing the specification of the type of objects stored in a collection, preventing type mismatches and improving code reliability.

In addition to the basic use of generics, Java also provides wildcards, such as upper bounded, lower bounded, and unbounded wildcards, which further enhance the flexibility and versatility of generics.

Overall, generics in Java enable developers to write more robust, flexible, and type-safe code, leading to better software engineering practices and improved code quality.

Java Code Geeks

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