Core Java

The Structural Bug

A team member was having a bit of trouble with the following code:

void extractData(String targetUri) {
    Path tempFile = createTempFilePath();
    extractDataToPathAndUpload(tempFile, targetUri);
void extractDataToPathAndUpload(Path tempFile, String targetUri) {
   try (FileOutputStream stream = createOutput(tempFile)) {
      // extract from db to file stream
      database.readTable(TABLE_1, stream);
      // upload the temp file to the destination
      uploader.upload(tempFile, targetUri);

The above code, redacted and simplified, gives you the idea of the problem. We have a database, an interim temp file to write to, and an upload process.

The issue was that the upload call was just not working. How frustrating!

Eagle-eyed readers may spot that the temporary file, being written to by the OutputStream inside the second function, hasn’t been closed when the upload call is being made. That was the bug, and the fix was to move the call to upload to outside of the try-with-resources block, which had the job of closing the stream, thus freeing up the file (on Windows at least, you can’t read a file that you’re also writing!).

The Bug Wasn’t That!

This was a bug that was hard to spot and was a consequence of a structural decision. The reason the upload call belonged outside of the export operation wasn’t just to ensure the stream was close, it was also because it was a different stage in the overall process. The process should have been:

  • Create temp location
    • Export into temp location
    • Upload from temp location to destination
  • Clean up temp location

The indentation here reflects the scoping.

The implementation above merges the two middle steps and even seemed to put the upload operation INSIDE the export. This was a structural bug.

There’s an argument that the above code, should have been written as three functions not two:

  • One function to manage the temporary files and then call into…
  • The next function that calls export, then upload
  • The export function

This is a nice example of where some additional precision on getting the structure right would have reduced the likelihood of a hard-to-spot bug catching us out.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Ashley Frieze, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: The Structural Bug

Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Ashley Frieze

Software developer, stand-up comedian, musician, writer, jolly big cheer-monkey, skeptical thinker, Doctor Who fan, lover of fine sounds
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