
Just Hired! Our new Digital Scrum Master (and a total geek)

Whether your team is agile or not, whether you envision to build a great agile team, taking baby steps towards that or have no idea what this is, we discovered an awesome tool that will help you manage and build culture in your team.

Initially created to bridge the gap of agile methodologies and distributed teams (aka co-located, remote offices and employees), Geekbot can mitigate any challenge within remote teams such as coordinating different time zones, managing the tasks and deadlines of a remote team, keeping a team synced, building rapport when there is not a “physical address” office, scheduling successful meetings when people are online during different hours.

Geekbot’s main idea is the importance of being Asynchronous. In order to be creative at work, people need flexibility. Information flow should be independent of time and place. This can be applied to any team which needs flexibility and is fast paced. It is time to see how it works and how we can start using it within seconds and for free in our own teams.

Integrated with Slack, a powerful real-time messaging app for collaboration, Geekbot creates a standup meeting with the members of your team. Every member of the team answers a simple set of questions, when they are available online which are automatically posted on a common slack channel and everyone on the team can see the answers of the other team members.

The basic 3 questions that are answered are pre-set:

  • What did you do yesterday?
  • What are you doing today?
  • What blocking issues do you have, who can help you?

In fact, these questions are custom by the bot and it’s very easy to change them depending on the team. A designs or sales team doesn’t necessarily need to answer to the same set of questions as a product team. Even the mood of Geekbot can be set by giving a casual or more serious tone.

At any point, everything can be accessed in one place. The dashboard is where standups are created and edited, where you can view the progress of the team’s meetings in a timeline. You can easily download your data using the “Download CSV” button in your dashboard, or use the API to integrate it with your favorite tool.

Geekbot is ideal even for complex projects which demand cross departments’ work. Each department has its own timeline and information can be broadcast in private channels with specific members.

Project manager, head of the team, IT head or CEO, small or big size team, it’s time to delegate day to day task management and information distribution to Geekbot and focus on the things that actually matter. No more scheduling long meetings and dragging people from their work. Help your team members be more self-managed, boost culture and mentor your people on improving their talents.


Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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