Core Java

JSR-308 and the Checker Framework Add Even More Typesafety to jOOQ 3.9

Java 8 introduced JSR-308, which added new annotation capabilities to the Java language. Most importantly: Type annotations. It is now possible to design monsters like the below:

The code displayed in that tweet really compiles. Every type can be annotated now, in order to enhance the type system in any custom way. Why, you may ask? One of the main driving use-cases for this language enhancement is the checker framework, an Open Source library that allows you to easily implement arbitrary compiler plugins for sophisticated type checking. The most boring and trivial example would be nullability. Consider the following code:

import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;

class YourClassNameHere {
    void foo(Object nn, @Nullable Object nbl) {
        nn.toString(); // OK
        nbl.toString(); // Fail
        if (nbl != null)
            nbl.toString(); // OK again

The above example can be run directly in the checker framework live demo console. Compiling the above code with the following annotation processor:

javac -processor org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker


Error: [dereference.of.nullable] dereference of possibly-null reference nbl:5:9

That’s pretty awesome! It works in quite a similar way as the flow sensitive typing that is implemented in Ceylon or Kotlin, for instance, except that it is much more verbose. But it is also much much more powerful, because the rules that implement your enhanced and annotated Java type system can be implemented directly in Java using annotation processors! Which makes annotations turing-complete, in a way��

How does this help jOOQ?

jOOQ has shipped with two types of API documentation annotations for quite a while. Those annotations are:

  • @PlainSQL – To indicate that a DSL method accepts a “plain SQL” string which may introduce SQL injection risks
  • @Support – To indicate that a DSL method works either natively with, or can be emulated for a given set of SQLDialect

An example of such a method is the CONNECT BY clause, which is supported by Cubrid, Informix, and Oracle, and it is overloaded to accept also a “plain SQL” predicate, for convenience:

SelectConnectByConditionStep<R> connectBy(String sql);

Thus far, these annotations were there only for documentation purposes. With jOOQ 3.9, not anymore. We’re now introducing two new annotations to the jOOQ API:

  • org.jooq.Allow – to allow for a set of dialects (or for the @PlainSQL annotation) to be used within a given scope
  • org.jooq.Require – to require for a set of dialects to be supported via the @Support annotation within a given scope

This is best explained by example. Let’s look at @PlainSQL first

Restricting access to @PlainSQL

One of the biggest advantages of using the jOOQ API is that SQL injection is pretty much a thing of the past. With jOOQ being an internal domain-specific language, users really define the SQL expression tree directly in their Java code, rather than a stringified version of the statement as with JDBC. The expression tree being compiled in Java, there’s no possibility of injecting any unwanted or unforeseen expressions via user input.

There is one exception though. jOOQ doesn’t support every SQL feature in every database. This is why jOOQ ships with a rich “plain SQL” API where custom SQL strings can be embedded anywhere in the SQL expression tree. For instance, the above CONNECT BY clause:

   .connectBy("level < ?", bindValue)

The above jOOQ query translates to the following SQL query:

SELECT level
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level < ?

As you can see, it is perfectly possible to “do it wrong” and create a SQL injection risk, just like in JDBC:

   .connectBy("level < " + bindValue)

The difference is very subtle. With jOOQ 3.9 and the checker framework, it is now possible to specify the following Maven compiler configuration:


The org.jooq.checker.PlainSQLChecker will ensure that no client code using API annotated with @PlainSQL will compile. The error message we’re getting is something like:

C:\Users\lukas\workspace\jOOQ\jOOQ-examples\jOOQ-checker-framework-example\src\main\java\org\jooq\example\checker\[17,17] error: [Plain SQL usage not allowed at current scope. Use @Allow.PlainSQL.]

If you know-what-you’re-doing™ and you absolutely must use jOOQ’s @PlainSQL API at a very specific location (scope), you can annotate that location (scope) with @Allow.PlainSQL and the code compiles just fine again:

// Scope: Single method.
public List<Integer> iKnowWhatImDoing() {
    return DSL.using(configuration)
              .connectBy("level < ?", bindValue)
              .fetch(0, int.class);

Or even:

// Scope: Entire class.
public class IKnowWhatImDoing {
    public List<Integer> iKnowWhatImDoing() {
        return DSL.using(configuration)
                  .connectBy("level < ?", bindValue)
                  .fetch(0, int.class);

Or even (but then you might just turn off the checker):

// Scope: entire package (put in
package org.jooq.example.checker;

The benefits are clear, though. If security is very important to you (and it should be), then just enable the org.jooq.checker.PlainSQLChecker on each developer build, or at least in CI builds, and get compilation errors whenever “accidental” @PlainSQL API usage is encountered.

Restricting access to SQLDialect

Now, much more interesting for most users is the ability to check whether jOOQ API that is used in client code really supports your database. For instance, the above CONNECT BY clause is supported only in Oracle (if we ignore the not so popular Cubrid and Informix databases). Let’s assume you do work with Oracle only. You want to make sure that all jOOQ API that you’re using is Oracle-compatible. You can now put the following annotation to all packages that use the jOOQ API:

// Scope: entire package (put in
package org.jooq.example.checker;

Now, simply activate the org.jooq.checker.SQLDialectChecker to type check your code for @Allow compliance and you’re done:


From now on, whenever you use any jOOQ API, the above checker will verify that any of the following three yields true:

  • The jOOQ API being used is not annotated with @Support
  • The jOOQ API being used is annotated with @Support, but without any explicit SQLDialect (i.e. “works on all databases”), such as
  • The jOOQ API being used is annotated with @Support and with at least one of the SQLDialects referenced from @Allow

Thus, within a package annotated as such…

// Scope: entire package (put in
package org.jooq.example.checker;

… using a method annotated as such is fine:

SelectConnectByConditionStep<R> connectBy(String sql);

… but using a method annotated as such is not:

SelectOptionStep<R> forShare();

In order to allow for this method to be used, client code could, for instance, allow the MYSQL dialect in addition to the ORACLE dialect:

// Scope: entire package (put in
@Allow({ MYSQL, ORACLE })
package org.jooq.example.checker;

From now on, all code in this package may refer to methods supporting either MySQL and/or Oracle.

The @Allow annotation helps giving access to API on a global level. Multiple @Allow annotations (of potentially different scope) create a disjunction of allowed dialects as illustrated here:

// Scope: class
class MySQLAllowed {

	void mySQLAndOracleAllowed() {
		   // Works, because Oracle is allowed
		   // Works, because MySQL is allowed

As can be seen above, allowing for two dialects disjunctively won’t ensure that a given statement will work on either of the databases. So…

What if I want both databases to be supported?

In this case, we’ll resort to using the new @Require annotation. Multiple @Require annotations (of potentially different scope) create a conjunction of required dialects as illustrated here:

// Scope: class
@Require({ MYSQL, ORACLE })
class MySQLAndOracleRequired {

	void onlyOracleRequired() {
		   // Works, because only Oracle is required
		   // Doesn't work because Oracle is required

How to put this in use

Let’s assume your application only requires to work with Oracle. You can now put the following annotation on your package, and you will be prevented from using any MySQL-only API, for instance, because MySQL is not allowed as a dialect in your code:

package org.jooq.example.checker;

Now, as requirements change, you want to start supporting MySQL as well from your application. Just change the package specification to the following and start fixing all compilation errors in your jOOQ usage.

// Both dialects are allowed, no others are
@Allow({ MYSQL, ORACLE })

// Both dialects are also required on each clause
@Require({ MYSQL, ORACLE })
package org.jooq.example.checker;


By default, for any scope, the following annotations are assumed by the org.jooq.checker.SQLDialectChecker:

  • Nothing is allowed. Each @Allow annotation adds to the set of allowed dialects.
  • Everything is required. Each @Require annotation removes from the set of required dialects.

See it in action

These features will be an integral part of jOOQ 3.9. They’re available simply by adding the following dependency:

    <!-- Use org.jooq            for the Open Source edition
           for commercial editions, 
    for commercial editions with Java 6 support,
             org.jooq.trial      for the free trial edition -->

… and then choosing the appropriate annotation processors to your compiler plugin.

Cannot wait until jOOQ 3.9? You don’t have to. Just check out the 3.9.0-SNAPSHOT version from GitHub and follow the example project given here:

Done! From now on, when using jOOQ, you can be sure that whatever code you write will work on all the databases that you plan to support!

I think that this year’s Annotatiomaniac Champion title should go to the makers of the checker framework:

Further reading about the checker framework:

Lukas Eder

Lukas is a Java and SQL enthusiast developer. He created the Data Geekery GmbH. He is the creator of jOOQ, a comprehensive SQL library for Java, and he is blogging mostly about these three topics: Java, SQL and jOOQ.
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