Core Java

Easy and Consistent Log4j2 Logger Naming

In the post Portable Logger Names with Java 7 Method Handles, I wrote about using Java 7‘s method handles to name classes’ loggers. I stated in that post that advantages of that approach included consistency in logger naming and avoiding accidental copying and pasting of code that might lead to a different class’s name being used for the logger name. In this post, I look at how Log4j 2 provides an approach for achieving these same benefits.

Log4j 2 recognizes the prevalent approach to naming loggers based off of classes’ names. The “Logger Names” section of the “Log4j 2 API” page in the Log4j 2 Manual states, “In most cases, applications name their loggers by passing the current class’s name to LogManager.getLogger. Because this usage is so common, Log4j 2 provides that as the default when the logger name parameter is either omitted or is null.”

The following very simple Calculator class demonstrates this, creating a Logger with a parameter-less LogManager.getLogger() call. Because no parameter is passed to the getLogger() method, the logger will be named after the class in which the Logger is created. The Javadoc comment for method LogManager.getLogger() confirms this behavior: “Returns a Logger with the name of the calling class.”

package dustin.examples.log4j;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * Simple calculator class that is intended more for demonstration
 * of Log4j2 than for calculating anything.
public class Calculator
   private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();

   public String getLoggerName()
      return logger.getName();

    * Add the provided operands together and provide their sum.
    * @param operands Operands to be added together.
    * @return Sum of the provided operands.
   public long add(final long ... operands)
      long sum = 0;
      for (final long operand : operands)
         sum += operand;
      logger.debug("The sum of " + Arrays.toString(operands) + " is " + sum);
      return sum;

With the Calculator class implemented as shown above, the class’s logger’s name, available by call to Logger.getName() as demonstrated in the Calculator method getLoggerName(), is “dustin.examples.log4j.Calculator”. Although not shown here, a Logger retrieved with parameter-less LogManager.getFormatterLogger() will also use “the fully qualified name of the calling Class as the Logger name.”


The Log4j 2 approach discussed and demonstrated in this post for naming loggers is easy to use and makes it easy to have consistent and correct logger names, assuming that the chosen logger naming scheme is to use the fully qualified package and class name. This approach is briefer and arguably even more readable than the method handles approach to naming loggers, but this approach is specific to Log4j 2 while the method handles approach can be used with multiple logging frameworks and libraries.

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