Core Java

Generics Names

Generics type parameter names usually contain one, single capital case character. If you start to read the official ORACLE documentation on generics the first example is

 * Generic version of the Box class.
 * @param <T> the type of the value being boxed
public class Box<T> {
    // T stands for "Type"
    private T t;

    public void set(T t) { this.t = t; }
    public T get() { return t; }

The name of the generic type is T. One single letter, not too meaningful and generally against other identifier naming styles. It is widely used only for generics. Strange. What is the reason for that?

Here are the arguments I have heard so far:

  • A class or method does not need many type variable names, so you will not run out of the letters of the ABC.
    • Based on that reasoning we should also use one character method names? There should not bee too many methods in a class so we will not run out of the alphabet there as well.
  • It is not a problem that the one character does not inherently explain the type, since there is JavaDoc. You can explain what the type name actually stands for.
    • And we should also forget everything we have learned about clean code and variable naming. Code structure defines what the code does and since that is what it really is code structure is up-to-date. Naming (variables, methods, etc.) usually follow the change of code structure, since naming helps the programmer. Even though naming is many times outdated especially in case of boolean variables. It suggest many times just the very opposite what the real meaning is. JavaDoc is maintained and corrected some time after the code and the unit tests are finished, debugged and polished. In practice “some time after” means: never. JavaDoc is outdated, not available when reading the code as promptly as name itself thus should contain information you can not include into the code structure and well naming. Why would type names be an exception?
  • Types names bearing one character makes them distinguishable from variable, method and class names as well as constant names.
    • It is a good point. Type names have to be distinguishable from variable, method and class names. But I see no strong point why we should use different name casing from constants. There is no place where you could use a constant and a type or where it would really be confusing. They are used in totally different places, in different syntactical positions. If this is such a big pain in the donkey why do not we suffer from it in case of method and variable names? Method names are followed by () characters in Java? Not anymore as we get to Java 8!
  • But Google Code Style allows you to use multi character type names.
    • Oh yes. And it says that if you use multi character type names the name should have a T postfix, like RequestT, FooBarT. Should I also prefix String variables with the letters sz and Integers with i as in Hungarian Notation?

What then?

If you do not like the single character naming for generics you can name them with _ or $ prefix. This is a suggestion that you can see on stackoverflow. As for me: it is strange. Using the $ makes some “heimlich”, warm feeling reminding me of my youth when I was programming Perl. I do not do that anymore and for good reasons. Times changed, technology changed, I changed.

The $ is usually used by the compiler and some code generators to name generated fields and methods. Your use of $ on the Java source level may cause some difficulty for the compiler to find the appropriate name in case there is some naming collision, but the current version of the java compilers are fairly error prone in this respect. They just keep trying to find an appropriate name with some simple algorithm until they find a name that is not colliding with any Java source code name, so this will not be a problem.

Underscore: well, is really something that we used in old times instead of space. On old matrix printers the underscore character was printed so badly that you could not distinguish it from space and thus this was an ugly trick to have multi word variable names. Because of this underscore at the start of the name is a total anti-pattern imho, practically naming two things using the same name. It is almost like if the underscore character was not there at all.

You can also use T_ prefix as it is the convention in C++ and in C# (I am not familiar with those too much, I am not sure about that). But this is just as ugly as it is without the T.

My taste is to use meaningful names with the same conventions we follow in case of constants. For example to use

public final class EventProducer<LISTENER extends IEventListener<EVENT>,EVENT> 
           implements IEventProducer<LISTENER, EVENT> {

instead of

public final class EventProducer<L extends IEventListener<E>,E> 
            implements IEventProducer<L,E> {

Even though that is my personal, senior, professional, expert opinion I do not use it. Why? Because I work in an enterprise environment in a team. The gain to use something more readable than the official default is not as high as the damage of a debate and disagreement would be. In addition to that new hires have to get used to the local style and it also costs money. Using the usable, but not optimal global style is better than using a good local style. Live with it.

Can we go global?

You can try. That is the most I can say. It would have been better if the original suggestion setting the coding standard were better than the 1960’s style one letter approach, but this is already history. The damage has been done. And this is nothing comparable to the damage caused by the brilliant idea introducing null into OO.

We will live with the one character generics so long as long Java is alive. And since I am almost 50, it is going to be a longer period than my life span. Note that COBOL is still alive. We should expect nothing less from Java.

Reference: Generics Names from our JCG partner Peter Verhas at the Java Deep blog.
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