Core Java

Multiple Return Statements

I once heard that in the past people strived for methods to have a single exit point. I understood this was an outdated approach and never considered it especially noteworthy. But lately I’ve come in contact with some developers who still adhere to that idea (the last time was here) and it got me thinking.

So for the first time, I really sat down and compared the two approaches.


The first part of the post will repeat the arguments for and against multiple return statements. It will also identify the critical role clean code plays in assessing these arguments. The second part will categorize the situations which benefit from returning early.

To not always write about “methods with multiple return statements” I’ll call the approach to structure methods that way a pattern. While this might be a little overboard it surely is more concise.

The Discussion

I’m discussing whether a method should always run to its last line, from where it returns its result, or can have multiple return statements and “return early”.

This is no new discussion of course. See, for example, Wikipedia, Hacker Chick or StackOverflow.

Structured Programming

The idea that a single return statement is desirable stems from the paradigm of structured programming, developed in the 1960s. Regarding subroutines, it promotes that they have a single entry and a single exit point. While modern programming languages guarantee the former, the latter is somewhat outdated for several reasons.

The main problem the single exit point solved were memory or resource leaks. These occurred when a return statement somewhere inside a method prevented the execution of some cleanup code which was located at its end. Today, much of that is handled by the language runtime (e.g. garbage collection) and explicit cleanup blocks can be written with try-catch-finally. So now the discussion mainly revolves around readability.


Sticking to a single return statement can lead to increased nesting and require additional variables (e.g. to break loops). On the other hand, having a method return from multiple points can lead to confusion as to its control flow and thus make it less maintainable. It is important to notice that these two sides behave very differently with respect to the overall quality of the code.

Consider a method which adheres to clean coding guidelines: it is short and to the point with a clear name and an intention revealing structure. The relative loss in readability by introducing more nesting and more variables is very noticeable and might muddy the clean structure. But since the method can be easily understood due to its brevity and form, there is no big risk of overlooking any return statement. So even in the presence of more than one, the control flow remains obvious.

Contrast this with a longer method, maybe part of a complicated or optimized algorithm. Now the situation is reversed. The method already contains a number of variables and likely some levels of nesting. Introducing more has little relative cost in readability. But the risk of overlooking one of several returns and thus misunderstanding the control flow is very real.

So it comes down to the question whether methods are short and readable. If they are, multiple return statements will generally be an improvement. If they aren’t, a single return statement is preferable.

Other Factors

Readability might not be the only factor, though.

Another aspect of this discussion can be logging. In case you want to log return values but do not resort to aspect oriented programming, you have to manually insert logging statements at the methods’ exit point(s). Doing this with multiple return statements is tedious and forgetting one is easy.

Similarly, you might want to prefer a single exit point if you want to assert certain properties of your results before returning from the method.

Situations For Multiple Returns Statements

There are several kinds of situations in which a method can profit from multiple return statements. I tried to categorize them here but make no claim to have a complete list. (If you come up with another recurring situation, leave a comment and I will include it.)

Every situation will come with a code sample. Note that these are shortened to bring the point across and can be improved in several ways.

Published by JDHancock under CC-BY 2.0
Published by JDHancock under CC-BY 2.0

Guard Clauses

Guard clauses stand at the beginning of a method. They check its arguments and for certain special cases immediately return a result.

Guard Clause Against Null Or Empty Collections

private Set<T> intersection(Collection<T> first, Collection<T> second) {
	// intersection with an empty collection is empty
	if (isNullOrEmpty(first) || isNullOrEmpty(second))
		return new HashSet<>();


Excluding edge cases at the beginning has several advantages:

  • it cleanly separates handling of special cases and regular cases, which improves readability
  • it provides a default location for additional checks, which preserves readability
  • it makes implementing the regular cases less error prone
  • it might improve performance for those special cases (though this is rarely relevant)

Basically all methods for which this pattern is applicable will benefit from its use.

A noteworthy proponent of guard clauses is Martin Fowler, although I would consider his example on the edge of branching (see below).


Some methods’ responsibilities demand to branch into one of several, often specialized subroutines. It is usually best to implement these subroutines as methods in their own right. The original method is then left with the only responsibility to evaluate some conditions and call the correct routine.

Delegating To Specialized Methods

public Offer makeOffer(Customer customer) {
	boolean isSucker = isSucker(customer);
	boolean canAffordLawSuit = customer.canAfford(

	if (isSucker) {
		if (canAffordLawSuit)
			return getBigBucksButStayLegal(customer);
			return takeToTheCleaners(customer);
	} else {
		if (canAffordLawSuit)
			return getRid(customer);
			return getSomeMoney(customer);

(I know that I could leave out all else-lines. Someday I might write a post explaining why in cases like this, I don’t.)

Using multiple return statements has several advantages over a result variable and a single return:

  • the method more clearly expresses its intend to branch to a subroutine and simply return its result
  • in any sane language, the method does not compile if the branches do not cover all possibilities (in Java, this can also be achieved with a single return if the variable is not initialized to a default value)
  • there is no additional variable for the result, which would span almost the whole method
  • the result of the called method can not be manipulated before being returned (in Java, this can also be achieved with a single return if the variable is final and its class immutable; the latter is not obvious to the reader, though)
  • if a switch statement is used in a language with fall through (like Java), immediate return statements save a line per case because no break is needed, which reduces boilerplate and improves readability

This pattern should only be applied to methods which do little else than branching. It is especially important that the branches cover all possibilities. This implies that there is no code below the branching statements. If there were, it would take much more effort to reason about all paths through the method. If a method fulfills these conditions, it will be small and cohesive, which makes it easy to understand.

Cascading Checks

Sometimes a method’s behavior mainly consists of multiple checks where each check’s outcome might make further checks unnecessary. In that case, it is best to return as soon as possible (maybe after each check).

Cascading Checks While Looking For an Anchor Parent

private Element getAnchorAncestor(Node node) {
	// if there is no node, there can be no anchor,
	// so return null
	if (node == null)
		return null;

	// only elements can be anchors,
	// so if the node is no element, recurse to its parent
	boolean nodeIsNoElement = !(node instanceof Element);
	if (nodeIsNoElement)
		return getAnchorAncestor(node.getParentNode());

	// since the node is an element, it might be an anchor
	Element element = (Element) node;
	boolean isAnchor = element.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("a");
	if (isAnchor)
		return element;

	// if the element is no anchor, recurse to its parent
	return getAnchorAncestor(element.getParentNode());

Other examples of this are the usual implementations of equals or compareTo in Java. They also usually consist of a cascade of checks where each check might determine the method’s result. If it does, the value is immediately returned, otherwise the method continues with the next check.

Compared to a single return statement, this pattern does not require you to jump through hoops to prevent ever deeper indentation. It also makes it straight forward to add new checks and place comments before a check-and-return block.

As with branching, multiple return statements should only be applied to methods which are short and do little else. The cascading checks should be their central, or better yet, their only content (besides input validation). If a check or the computation of the return value needs more than two or three lines, it should be refactored into a separate method.


Where there are data structures, there are items with special conditions to be found in them. Methods which search for them often look similar. If such a method encounters the item it was searching for, it is often easiest to immediately return it.

Immediately Returning The Found Element

private <T> T findFirstIncreaseElement(Iterable<T> items, Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
	T lastItem = null;
	for (T currentItem : items) {
		boolean increase = increase(lastItem, currentItem, comparator);
		lastItem = currentItem;

		if (increase) {
			return currentItem;

	return null;

Compared to a single return statement, this saves us from finding a way to get out of the loop. This has the following advantages:

  • there is no additional boolean variable to break the loop
  • there is no additional condition for the loop, which is easily overlooked (especially in for loops) and thus fosters bugs
  • the last two points together keep the loop much easier to understand
  • there is most likely no additional variable for the result, which would span almost the whole method

Like most patterns which use multiple return statements, this also requires clean code. The method should be small and have no other responsibility but searching. Nontrivial checks and result computations should have their own methods.


We have seen the arguments for and against multiple returns statements and the critical role clean code plays. The categorization should help to identify recurring situations in which a method will benefit from returning early.

Reference: Multiple Return Statements from our JCG partner Nicolai Parlog at the CodeFx blog.

Nicolai Parlog

Nicolai is a thirty year old boy, as the narrator would put it, who has found his passion in software development. He constantly reads, thinks, and writes about it, and codes for a living as well as for fun.Nicolai is the editor of SitePoint's Java channel, writes a book about Project Jigsaw, blogs about software development on, and is a long-tail contributor to several open source projects. You can hire him for all kinds of things.
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Alim Özdemir
Alim Özdemir
9 years ago

I have to say that every pro-usage-example shown here causes stomach pain. Even in this minimal examples, it’s easy to see that every change on the code has to be done with extreme care, a lot of exits -> possibly a lot of paths ending before the place to change. If using the single-exit-strategy, the execution path is clear. The value of the result can easily be inferred by checking the writes to the return-variable. E.g. private Element getAnchorAncestor(Node node) { Element ancestor = null; if (node != null) { // only elements can be anchors, if (node instanceof Element)… Read more »

Nicolai Parlog
9 years ago
Reply to  Alim Özdemir

I’m obviously biased, but I don’t think your version is more readable. This is not a good place to discuss code, though, so I’ll not go into details. Just two general observations: (1) “If using the single-exit-strategy, the execution path is clear.” This is only true if there is no execution path which enters an if-branch after it exited another. Otherwise the execution path can be littered across different branches and it is not easily readable which situations this applies to. Btw, your example does exactly that (when a ‘node’ is an ‘Element’ but no anchor) and uses the ‘ancestor’… Read more »

Carlos Obregon
Carlos Obregon
9 years ago

“On the other hand, having a method return from multiple points can lead to confusion as to its control flow and thus make it less maintainable.” I don’t agree with this sentence. Think about this code: T foo(…) { if (something) { // code return a; } else { // code return b; } } And T foo(…) { T toReturn = null; if (something) { // code toReturn = a; } else { // code toReturn = b; } return toReturn; } In the first function it is clear that the returned value would be calculated in two different… Read more »

Nicolai Parlog
9 years ago

The article argues that in cases like your example, multiple return statements will improve readability. But what about methods with 50, 100 or more lines of code? Imagine that a handful (or more) of return statements are littered across such a big method. In my view this would make understanding it even more complex. Mainly because indentation is no longer a valid indicator of the logical flow. Now imagine you have to insert some assertions and a logging statement right before the method returns. This is often best achieved with a single return statement. Refactoring a method with multiple return… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Nicolai Parlog

Your argument is invalid. If your method has 100 or more lines you shouldn’t worry about multiple returns but refactoring your method instead. See

Nicolai Parlog
9 years ago
Reply to  vvursT

First of all, my argument is: *If* a method is that long, multiple return statements will (further) degrade readability. So I recommend that in a situation like that, you shouldn’t make matters worse by adding more return statements. What you write is no rebuttal for that. Second, I’m all in favor of short methods but I wouldn’t claim that long ones are never allowed to exist. I’ve seen to little of the software world to be convinced that there is no language and no set of requirements (especially performance and code size on embedded systems) which would make such methods… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Nicolai Parlog

First: Don’t get me wrong. Maybe i misunderstood your comment like it was like “multiple returns are bad in my world” but okay… Second: IMHO even with large method size, readability should increase with multiple returns, because you have less line of code to read for several paths (given you want to trace a specific path through the method, this is common in most debugging sessions). In large methods this will apply even better because you can skip reading more lines the longer the method is. Instead of a single return you always have to go through the whole method… Read more »

Alim Özdemir
Alim Özdemir
9 years ago

The method is identical in behaviour, so it just makes the “null” more explicit instead of hiding it in the middle.
But everybody is entitled to have his own spaghetti sauce ( :) incidentally I really like sugar on top, for real ).

9 years ago

I also think early returns are better. This is because in most cases it’s easier to grasp the flow of execution in case of e.g invalid argument due to its defensive nature.

Like in the 1st reply:

if (node != null) {….

now I to have to look for that else condition (if it exists – thats also a question) if I want to check what it does in case node is null. It’s pretty exausting (esp for large method bodies)

Daniel Pecos
9 years ago

IMHO multiple return statement make code more difficult to follow, regardless of its extension. For example, you can skip big blocks of code (because you’re not interested in them in that moment) knowing flow will not return inside them

The only exception to this would be when using Guard Clauses, and just because they would be useful to not to indent the code too much, making it easier to read.

9 years ago

There’s a big entry at Stackoverflow containing very useful arguments to use or not to use multiple return statements:

Yegor Bugayenko
8 years ago

I think that multiple return statements is a bad idea in OOP, here is why:

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