Core Java

cjmx: A command-line version of JConsole

JConsole is a nice tool when it comes to monitoring a running Java application. But when it is not possible to connect to a JVM with JConsole directly (due to network restrictions for example) and SSH tunneling is not possible, then it would be great to have a command line version of JConsole.

jcmx is such a command line version of JConsole. After having downloaded the single jar file cjmx_2.10-2.1.0-app.jar you can start it by including the tools.jar into the classpath:

java -cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:cjmx_2.10-2.1.0-app.jar cjmx.Main

This will open a “JMX shell” with the following basic commands:

  • help: This shows a basic help screen that explains the available commands.
  • jps/list: Like the jps tool from the JDK this command prints out all java processes with their process id.
  • connect: You can use this command to connect to a running JVM process.
  • format: Let’s you specify whether you want your output in a simple text format or as a JSON string.
  • exit: Quits the application.

To learn more about cjmx let us start a session and connect to the JVM that is running cjmx itself:

> jps
13198 cjmx.Main
> connect 13198
Connected to local virtual machine 13198
Connection id: rmi://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1  2
Default domain: DefaultDomain
5 domains registered consisting of 19 total MBeans
describe     disconnect   exit         format       help         invoke       mbeans       names        names        sample       select       status

After the last appearance of > you see a great feature of cjmx: auto-completion. Every time you do not know which commands are available, you can just type [TAB] and cjmx will list them. This even works for MBean names as we will see.

Now that we are connected to our JVM we can let cjmx describe an available MBean. With auto-completion we can just start typing describe '[TAB] to retrieve a list of all available packages:

> describe '
:                     JMImplementation:   java.lang:            java.nio:             java.util.logging:

This way we can dig through the MBean names until we have found what we are looking for. In this example we are interested in the MBean ‘java.lang:type=OperatingSystem’:

> describe 'java.lang:type=OperatingSystem'
Object name: java.lang:type=OperatingSystem
Description: Information on the management interface of the MBean

  MaxFileDescriptorCount: long
  OpenFileDescriptorCount: long
  FreePhysicalMemorySize: long
  CommittedVirtualMemorySize: long
  FreeSwapSpaceSize: long
  ProcessCpuLoad: double
  ProcessCpuTime: long
  SystemCpuLoad: double
  TotalPhysicalMemorySize: long
  TotalSwapSpaceSize: long
  AvailableProcessors: int
  Arch: String
  SystemLoadAverage: double
  Name: String
  Version: String
  ObjectName: ObjectName

As we can see, the MBean ‘java.lang:type=OperatingSystem’ provides information about the number of open files and the current CPU load, etc.. So let’s query the number of open files by invoking the command mbeans with the name of the MBean as well as the sub-command select and the MBean’s attribute:

> mbeans 'java.lang:type=OperatingSystem' select OpenFileDescriptorCount
  OpenFileDescriptorCount: 35

We can even query all available attributes by using the star instead of the concrete name of an attribute. Please note that using the cursor up key recalls the last issued command, hence we do not have to type it again. Instead we just replace the attribute’s name with the star:

> mbeans 'java.lang:type=OperatingSystem' select *
  MaxFileDescriptorCount: 10240
  OpenFileDescriptorCount: 36

By using the sub-command invoke we can even invoke MBean methods like in the following example:

> mbeans 'java.lang:type=Memory' invoke gc()
java.lang:type=Memory: null

Now that we know how to query attributes and invoke methods, we can start to script this functionality in order to monitor the application. To support this kind of scripting, cjmx provides the feature that one can pass all “commands” also as an argument to the application itself, hence you can invoke cjmx in the following way (where <PID> has to be replaced by a concrete process id of a running JVM):

java -cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:cjmx_2.10-2.1.0-app.jar cjmx.Main &amp;lt;PID&amp;gt; &amp;quot;mbeans 'java.lang:type=OperatingSystem' select OpenFileDescriptorCount&amp;quot;
  OpenFileDescriptorCount: 630

With this knowledge we can write a simple bash script that queries the JVM each second for the number of open files:

while [ true ] ; do
        echo `date` | tr -d '\n'
        java -cp /usr/java/default/lib/tools.jar:cjmx_2.10-2.1.0-app.jar cjmx.Main $1 &amp;quot;mbeans 'java.lang:type=OperatingSystem' select OpenFileDescriptorCount&amp;quot;|grep OpenFileDescriptorCount|cut -f 2 -d :
		sleep 1

This produces each second a new line with a timestamp and the the current number of open files. When redirected into a file, we have a simple log file and can evaluate it later on.

Conclusion: cjmx is a great alternative to JConsole when the latter cannot be used due to network restrictions on a server machine. The ability to even issue commands by passing them on the command line makes it suitable for small monitoring scripts.

Martin Mois

Martin is a Java EE enthusiast and works for an international operating company. He is interested in clean code and the software craftsmanship approach. He also strongly believes in automated testing and continuous integration.
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