Core Java

NetBeans IDE 8.0 and new features for Java 8

NetBeans IDE 8.0 is released, also providing new features for Java 8 technologies. It has code analyzers and editors for working with Java SE 8, Java SE Embedded 8, and Java ME Embedded 8. The IDE also has new enhancements that further improve its support for Maven and Java EE with PrimeFaces.

Most important highlights are:

  • tools and editor enhancements for working with Profiles, Lambdas, and Streams.
  • Java SE Embedded support to deploy, run, debug or profile Java SE applications on an embedded device, such as Raspberry PI, directly from the NetBeans IDE.
  • Java ME Embedded 8 support.
  • Several Java Editor enhancements, such as many new Java hints, Javadoc shown as tooltip, instant rename enhancements, and code completion exclusions.
  • Improved integration with JavaFX Scene Builder.

Features for Java EE are also available:

  • New PrimeFaces code generators, to generate CRUD applications with connection to databases.
  • Tomcat 8.0 and TomEE support, including out-of-box JPA, JSF and JAXRS configuration and data sources.
  • Facelets Template Client wizard asks for sections to generate.
  • Code completion for template sections, and within JSF composite components.
  • Enhanced CDI integration in beans.xml file, with code completion for alternative classes and stereotypes.
  • More flexibility for JPA hints, which can be disabled, enabled, and warning level changed.

The IDE also provides new tools for HTML5, in particular for AngularJS and improvements to PHP and C/C++ support. You can check on a simple example with NetBeans and Java 8 Lamda expressions here so get started with Java 8 features!

Theodora Fragkouli

Theodora has graduated from Computer Engineering and Informatics Department in the University of Patras. She also holds a Master degree in Economics from the National and Technical University of Athens. During her studies she has been involved with a large number of projects ranging from programming and software engineering to telecommunications, hardware design and analysis. She works as a junior Software Engineer in the telecommunications sector where she is mainly involved with projects based on Java and Big Data technologies.
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