Selenium Tutorials

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In this detailed Resource page, we feature an abundance of Selenium Tutorials!

Selenium is a portable software-testing framework for web applications. Selenium provides a playback (formerly also recording) tool for authoring tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala. The tests can then run against most modern web browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. It is open-source software, released under the Apache 2.0 license: web developers can download and use it without charge.

If you wish to build up your Selenium knowledge first, check out our Selenium Tutorial for Beginners.

Selenium Tutorials – Getting Started

Simple examples on how to download and use Selenium so that you can develop your own Selenium based applications

  • Selenium Best Practices Tutorial
    In this section, We will cover some of the best practices we need to follow in Selenium projects. We will cover each one in its subsection. But before going into that, We will look at the gradle configuration for our project.
  • Selenium Interview Questions and Answers
    In this example we shall show the most popular interviews questions about Selenium tools and give you exhaustive answers. Questions cover all topics: Selenium 1, Selenium 2, Selenium IDE, Selenium Standalone Server. In this article is shown theoretical questions and best practices, which is used by Selenium communities.
  • Selenium Chromedriver Tutorial
    In this example set, we will be exhibiting the concept of Data Driven Testing (DDT) by passing multiple sets of data using Apache POI and Web driver interface of Chrome Driver and thus testing them on the Facebook URL. In this tutorial, we will be passing multiple sets of username and password from spreadsheet “Testdata.xls” to Facebook URL.
  • Selenium Page Object Model Tutorial
    This article is an introduction to the Selenium Page Object Model and how we can leverage it for better readability and code reuse. Selenium is used to automate browsers. Selenium WebDriver has found its place in test automation for web applications. It is used to create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests. Inherent to this flexibility, there lies a bit of complexity. Testing for large applications might result in lot of code repetition from selenium end. Page Objects promotes code re-usability and simpler structures for clarity.
  • Selenium Keyword Driven Framework Tutorial
    This article is a tutorial about the Selenium Keyword Driven Framework. We will see how Keyword Driven Framework speeds up the automated testing process. A keyword-driven framework is a table-driven testing or action word based testing. This is used to speed up automated testing by utilizing the keywords for a common set of actions. A keyword-driven testing is a scripting technique that uses data files to contain the keywords related to the application being tested. The keywords describe the actions to be performed for each step. Each input must consist of keywords and its needed arguments to execute the test successfully.
  • Selenium Javascriptexecutor Tutorial
    Java Script executor is an interface of Selenium WebDriver that has the functionality similar to that of Java Script and can interact with HTML DOM elements. Instead of using driver.findElement method of the Selenium WebDriver we can use JavaScriptExecutor Interface to perform similar action on the Page.
  • Selenium Automation Testing Tutorial
    In this example, we shall show you how to write the automation tests by Selenium. Selenium is collections of tools to test the web applications. We are going to cover user’s cases for TrackStudio system.

Selenium Tutorials – Functions

Learn the most famous functionalities and operations of the Selenium Framework

  • Using XPath in Selenium Example
    In this example we will learn how to use XPath in Selenium. We will start with the introduction of Selenium and XPath – what it is and how to use it, then we will see the working model of how to use XPath in Selenium tests. Tools and technologies used in this example are Java 1.7, Maven, Intellij, Selenium 2, ChromeDriver, Chrome XPath Helper plugin.
  • Selenium Keyboard Events Example
    In this tutorial we will be discussing about the Advance User Interactions API. Using these APIs, we can perform actions on a web page similar to a user would interact on the user using keyboard and mouse. The Actions interface and Action classes are two modules of the API that needs to be implemented to make use of keyboard and mouse events like Drag and Drop or selecting multiple elements with Control Key.
  • Selenium Standalone Server Example
    With this example we are going to demonstrate how to use and configure Selenium standalone servers (Selenium Grid). We are going to run the hub server and the two nodes. Each nodes will run the tests in different browsers. Selenium Grid are the servers which compounds in distributed nodes. It offers you to run your selenium test on separate machines in different kinds environments. This is great opportunities, because your tests can run parallels and use different browsers for testing.
  • Selenium JUnit Example
    In this article, we are going to show how you can write automation tests by Selenium and JUnit. Selenium is tools for building automation tests. Selenium can be used only for testing web applications. When Selenium executes the test, it injects the JavaScript codes to browser or it uses the native browser API. It does not mean that you should write all codes only on JavaScript. Selenium supports all most popular programming languages : Java, C#, Python, Ruby and so. JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. In this example, we will integrate Selenium to this framework.
  • Selenium Installation Example
    In this tutorial, we are going to show how you can install the Selenium IDE, Selenium Server and Selenium WebDriver. Selenium is the tool for automation testing web apps. Selenium consists from IDE, WebDrivers and Server. The general scenery of testing in Selenium is to record the user activities by Selenium IDE and after that to run this tests cases automatically. It uses two different approaches to execute the tests. One of them uses the native browser API, another uses the injecting JavaScript codes to browsers. The main benefit about Selenium IDE is the ability to execute tests on varied browsers.
  • Selenium Grid Example
    In this tutorial, we are going to explain what Selenium Grid is and how you can use it in your project. We are going to install and configure the Selenium Grid, write and execute the tests on it. Selenium Grid is one of tool from Selenium framework. It is the distributed system for execution tests.
  • Selenium Expected Condition Example
    In this example set, I will be covering how the Selenium Excepted Conditions works. Before diving into use of ExpectedConditions in Selenium we must understand why do we need it. By default, Selenium doesn’t wait for elements once the page gets loaded. Thus, if the element is not present, then Selenium will throw NoSuchElement Exception. To overcome this, we need to implement concepts of wait in Selenium. If you are new to Selenium and wants to learn what is Selenium WebDriver, you can refer to my previous examples.
  • Selenium IDE Commands Example
    This article is about installing Selenium IDE and the various commands you can run to enable test automation. This article will cover the most frequently used Selenium IDE Commands.
  • JUnit Selenium Grid Example
    In this example, we will explore the functionality of Selenium Grid and we will understand it’s significance. We will create a Page Object and then we will access that page object from test cases using JUnit. The example will cover the gmail login where we will be invoking the url in node and hub using test cases in JUnit.
  • Selenium Docker Example
    This article is about using Selenium grid to automate testing efforts. This covers using selenium inside a Docker container to speed up the testing setup and easier administration.
  • Selenium Web Application Testing Example
    In this post, we feature a comprehensive example on Selenium web application testing. A web application is a client-server computer program which the client runs in a web browser. Spring Web model-view-controller (MVC) framework provides an easier way to develop a web application. Spring boot provides auto configuration to simplify the configuration steps.

Selenium Tutorials – Integrations

Learn how to use Selenium with the most powerful 3rd party frameworks, interfaces and services

  • Using Selenium with Maven and Apache POI
    In this example, we are going to see how can we fetch the data from Excel sheet using Apache POI and use those data to search on using Selenium WebDriver. We will be also using Maven to configure dependencies for Selenium and Apache POI.
  • Selenium Headless Browser Testing
    Headless browser refers to running tests in browser like simulation without having to invoke a browser or without a GUI. In this example set, we will be using Headless browser to run test cases. We will be also discussing about the Headless browser in detail, about its importance as well as the caveat to keep in mind while using it.
  • Selenium Grid Docker Tutorial
    In this example set, we will be exploring the functionality of selenium grid on Docker container. We will be deploying the hub and nodes of Selenium Grid on the Docker container and will be linking together so that we could run test cases on the docker container.
  • Selenium Cucumber Tutorial
    This article explores the integration of selenium with cucumber and how we can leverage them to achieve automated acceptance testing. Selenium is used to automate browsers. Selenium WebDriver has found its place in test automation for web applications. It is used to create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests. It can be used for end to end testing of an application. This ensures that application works as designed. But Acceptance test ensures that the right things are built. Automated acceptance testing is one of the principles of Extreme programming.
  • Selenium IDE Tutorial
    In this tutorial, we are going to show how you can test your web app by Selenium IDE. Selenium IDE is the Firefox plugin, which can record the user browser action and run it automatically further. We are going to install the Selenium IDE, explain most useful controls and panels, record the simple use cases and run it automatically by Selenium IDE, add the schedule for tests, export this test case to programming languages.


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