Enterprise Java

Java: How to Create Lightweight Database Microservices

The number of cloud-based Java database applications grows by the minute. Many organizations deploy hundreds if not thousands of microservice instances. However, most applications carry an astounding amount of unnecessary overhead with respect to the runtime environment. This, in turn, makes the application slower and more expensive to run.

In this article, I will demonstrate how to write a database application that is 10 times smaller than normal(*). The storage requirement will be about 32 MB instead of the usual(*) ~300 MB taking both the application, third-party libraries and the Java runtime into account. As a bonus, the required RAM to run the application will also be reduced by 25%.

(*) These are the storage requirements for the following full JDKs (excluding the application and third-party libs):

jdk.8.0_191        360 MB
jdk-9.0.4          504 MB
adoptopenjdk-11    298 MB

Using an ORM that Supports Microservices

Most traditional ORMs do not honor Java module encapsulation. Often, this entails shipping off a lot of unnecessary code.

In this article, I will use the open-source Stream-based Java ORM Speedment, which, in its latest version, supports the Java Platform Module System (JPMS). This enables us to generate an optimized custom Java Runtime Environment (JRE, the parts from the JDK that is needed to run applications) with only the modules explicitly used by our application.

Read about the new features of Speedment 3.2 in this article.

The Application

The entire application we wish to deploy in this article resides as an
open-source project on GitHub under the sub-directory “ microservice-jlink”. It connects to a public instance of a MySQL “Sakila” database (containing data about films) hosted in the cloud and lists the ten longest films that are rated “PG-13” on the console. The data model is preconfigured to fit the data structure of this database. If you want to create your own application using another database, visit the Speedment initializer to configure a project for that database specifically.

The main method of the application looks like this:

public final class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final Speedment app = new SakilaApplicationBuilder()

        final FilmManager films = app.getOrThrow(FilmManager.class);

        System.out.println("These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:");

        films.stream()                          // 1
            .filter(Film.RATING.equal("PG-13")) // 2
            .sorted(Film.LENGTH.reversed())     // 3
            .limit(10)                          // 4
            .map(film -> String.format(         // 5
                "%-18s %d min",
            .forEach(System.out::println);      // 6


First, we pass the database password to the Speedment builder (Speedment never stores passwords internally). The builder is pre-configured with the database IP-address, port, etc. from a configuration file.

Then, we obtain the FilmManager which later can be used to create Java Streams that corresponds directly to the “film” table in the database.

At the end, we:

  1. Create a Stream of the Film entities
  2. Filter out Film entities that have a rating equal to “PG-13”
  3. Sorts the remaining films in reversed length order (longest first)
  4. Limits the stream to the first 10 films
  5. Maps each film entity to a String with film title and film length
  6. Prints each String to the console

The application itself is very easy to understand. It shall also be noted that Speedment will render the Java Stream to SQL under the hood as shown hereunder:

FROM `sakila`.`film` 
WHERE (`rating` = ? COLLATE utf8_bin) 
ORDER BY `length`IS NOT NULL, `length` DESC LIMIT ?,
values:[PG-13, 10]

This means that only the desired film entities are ever pulled in from the database.

When running directly under the IDE, the following output is produced:

These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:
GANGS PRIDE        185 min
CHICAGO NORTH      185 min
POND SEATTLE       185 min
THEORY MERMAID     184 min
FRONTIER CABIN     183 min
REDS POCUS         182 min
JACKET FRISCO      181 min
MIXED DOORS        180 min

This looks perfect.

Modularizing the Project

To use modules, we need to run under Java 9 or greater and there has to be a module-info.java file in our project:

module microservice.jlink {
    requires com.speedment.runtime.application;
    requires com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql; // (*)

The module com.speedment.runtime.application is the basic module that is always needed by any Speedment application.

(*) Depending on the database type, you have to replace the MySQL module with the corresponding module for your database. Read all about the various database connector modules here.

Building the Project

As mentioned earlier, the complete project is available on GitHub. This is how you get it:

git clone https://github.com/speedment/user-guide-code-samples.git

Change directory to the relevant sub-project:

cd user-guide-code-samples
cd microservice-jlink

Build the project (you must use Java 9 or higher because of the module system):

mvn clean install

A Custom JRE Build Script

The project also contains a custom JRE build script called build_jre.sh containing the following commands:

echo "Building $OUTPUT..."
MODULEPATH=$(find ~/.m2/repository/com/speedment/runtime -name "*.jar" \
  | grep $SPEEDMENT_VERSION.jar | xargs echo | tr ' ' ':')
MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:$(find ~/.m2/repository/com/speedment/common -name "*.jar" \
  | grep $SPEEDMENT_VERSION.jar | xargs echo | tr ' ' ':')
MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:$(find . -name "*.jar" | xargs echo | tr ' ' ':')

$JAVA_HOME/bin/jlink \
--no-header-files \
--no-man-pages \
--compress=2 \
--strip-debug \
--module-path "$JAVA_HOME\jmods:$MODULEPATH" \
--add-modules microservice.jlink,java.management,java.naming,java.rmi,java.transaction.xa \
--output $OUTPUT

This is how the script works:

After setting various parameters, the script builds up the module path by adding the jars of the speedment/runtime and speedment/common directories. Even though we are adding all of them, the module system will later figure out which ones are actually used and discard the other ones. The last line with MODULEPATH will add the JAR file of the application itself.

After all the parameters have been set, we invoke the jlink command which will build the custom JRE. I have used a number of (optional) flags to reduce the size of the target JRE. Because the JDBC driver does not support JPMS, I have manually added some modules that are needed by the driver under the --add-modules parameter.

Building the Ultra-Compact JRE

Armed with the script above, we can create the ultra-compact custom JRE for our cloud database application with a single command:


The build only takes about 5 seconds on my older MacBook Pro. We can check out the total size of the JRE/app with this command:

du -sh customjre/

This will produce the following output:

32M customjre/

A staggering result! We have a full-fledged JVM with garbage collect, JIT compiler, all libraries (except the JDBC driver) and the application itself packed into only 32 MB of storage!

We can compare this to the JDK itself in its unreduced size which is often used as a baseline for cloud instances.

du -sh $JAVA_HOME

This will produce the following output on my laptop:

298M /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home/

And this figure does not even include the application or any third-party libraries. So, we have reduced the storage requirements with a factor of perhaps 10!

Modules Actually Used

To see what modules that made it through the reduction process, we can issue the following command:

cat customjre/release

This will produce the following output on my machine (reformatted and sorted for clarity):


So, all of Java’s modules that were unused (such as javax.crypto) were not included in the custom runtime.

Running the Application

The application can be run using the custom JRE like this:

customjre/bin/java --class-path ~/.m2/repository/mysql/mysql-connector-java/8.0.18/mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar -m microservice.jlink/com.speedment.example.microservices.jlink.Main

The file mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar was automatically downloaded by Maven to its local repository when the project was first built (i.e. mvn clean install). Because the MySQL JDBC driver is not compatible with the Java Platform Module System yet, we had to glue it on manually.

When run, the program produces the same output as it did above but from a runtime that was 10 times smaller:

These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:
GANGS PRIDE        185 min
CHICAGO NORTH      185 min
POND SEATTLE       185 min
THEORY MERMAID     184 min
FRONTIER CABIN     183 min
REDS POCUS         182 min
JACKET FRISCO      181 min
MIXED DOORS        180 min

Memory Usage

A perhaps more important issue is how much application memory (RSS) that is being used by the cloud application in total. A quick look at this reveals that the heap memory usage is also reduced:

Standard JDK

Pers-MBP:speedment pemi$  jmap -histo 38715
 num     #instances         #bytes  class name (module)
   1:         25836        3036560  [B (java.base@11.0.5)
   2:          2055        1639408  [I (java.base@11.0.5)
   3:          4234         511568  java.lang.Class (java.base@11.0.5)
   4:         21233         509592  java.lang.String (java.base@11.0.5)
   5:           196         270552  [C (java.base@11.0.5)
   6:          4181         245400  [Ljava.lang.Object; (java.base@11.0.5)
   7:          4801         153632  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node (java.base@11.0.5)
   8:          3395         135800  java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry (java.base@11.0.5)
1804:             1             16  sun.util.resources.cldr.provider.CLDRLocaleDataMetaInfo (jdk.localedata@11.0.5)
Total        137524        7800144

Custom JRE

Pers-MBP:speedment pemi$  jmap -histo 38783 | head
 num     #instances         #bytes  class name (module)
   1:         22323        1714608  [B (java.base@11.0.5)
   2:          4229         511000  java.lang.Class (java.base@11.0.5)
   3:         19447         466728  java.lang.String (java.base@11.0.5)
   4:          1776         424408  [I (java.base@11.0.5)
   5:            69         264656  [C (java.base@11.0.5)
   6:          4044         240128  [Ljava.lang.Object; (java.base@11.0.5)
   7:          4665         149280  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node (java.base@11.0.5)
   8:          3395         135800  java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry (java.base@11.0.5)
1726:             1             16  sun.util.resources.LocaleData$LocaleDataStrategy (java.base@11.0.5)
Total        102904        5727960

Heap Improvement

The heap usage was reduced from 7,800,144 to 5,727,960 bytes (a reduction of over 25%)!

NB: Before I ran the jmap command, I let the application suggest an explicit Garbage Collect and wait for some seconds to even out any differences caused by potential earlier invocations of the Garbage Collector.


Here is a chart that shows the difference in storage requirements (lower is better):

Here is another chart that shows the difference in RAM usage (lower is better):

Modifying the Code

If you want to modify the code, you need to rebuild the app after your changes with:

mvn clean install

and then remove the old customjre and create a new one:

rm -rf customjre/

Creating Your own Database Application

If you want to connect to your own database and want to write your own application logic, you can easily select what tables and columns you want to use and then generate your own java domain model and application builder automatically using the Speedment Tool:

The Speedment tool as used in the project demonstrated in this article.

The tool can be added to your project in the pom.xml file and invoked by
mvn speedment:tool. Visit the Speedment Initializer to generate your own custom pom.xml file and application template.

The process can be streamlined by automatic Maven build scripts that will identify any application dependencies and automatic generation of Docker instances that can be deployed instantly following an automatic build. I will write more about this in the coming articles.


The Java Platform Module System (JPMS) allows the building of highly optimized JREs suitable for cloud deployment.

It is possible to reduce both storage and RAM requirements.

Traditional ORMs do not honor full Java module encapsulation

Speedment open-source Stream ORM supports JPMS and can be used to build highly efficient database cloud applications.


Basics about JPMS modules

Speedment on GitHub

The Speedment Initializer capable of generating project pom.xml templates

Published on .Java Code Geeks with permission by Per Minborg, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Java: How to Create Lightweight Database Microservices


Opinions expressed by .NET Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Per Minborg

I am a guy living in Palo Alto, California, but I am originally from Sweden. I am working as CTO on Speedment with Java and database application acceleration. Check it out on www.speedment.com
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