Software Development

Git vs. SVN – Commandline Syntax Reference

Learning the git workflow takes a bit of brain retraining, but since I’ve been using SVN almost entirely via commandline (because Subversive sucks and locks up my Eclipse when I try to use it for anything beyond synching/updating/committing a handful of files), adopting git’s commandline syntax is reasonably similar. Consider these simple operations:

Initial checkout from existing repo for a given branch git clone; cd sonatype-tycho; git checkout origin/tycho-0.10.x svn checkout
Update locally checked out files from central repo git pull svn update
List locally changes files/folders git status svn stat
Diff locally changed file git diff somefile.txt svn diff somefile.txt
Revert locally changed file* git checkout somefile.txt svn revert somefile.txt
Revert ALL local changes (except untracked files)* git reset –hard HEAD svn revert . -R
Add new file git add file.txt svn add file.txt
Add new folder recursively git add folder svn add folder
Delete file git rm file.txt svn rm file.txt
Delete folder git rm -r folder (non-recursive by default; use -r to recurse) svn rm folder (recursive by default; use -N to not recurse)
Commit changed file to central repo git commit -m “message” file.txt; git push svn ci -m “message” file.txt
Ignore files/folders (in the current folder) echo “target


bin” > .gitignore; \

git ci -m “gitignore” .gitignore

svn propset svn:ignore “target


bin” .; \

svn ci -N -m “svn:ignore” .

Obviously you can do a lot more w/ Git than with SVN (like stashing local changes temporarily), but for the sake of simply moving from a VCS to a DVCS and being able to continue to work the same way you already do, the above table should provide a good introduction.

Reference: Git vs. SVN – Basic Commandline Syntax Reference from our JCG partner Nick Boldt at the DivByZero blog.

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