Enterprise Java

RESTful timers in Java EE

In this post….

  • Whirlwind tour of EJB timers
  • Working with EJB timers on the fly via simple REST interface with a sample implementation

Update (14 July 2015)

The front end for the application is now available on OpenShift. Since I am a front end novice, I assembled this HTML5 + AngularJS app with help from other sources :) So it might feel a little clunky. Please bear with me while I try and improve upon this!

From the UI, you can:

  • look at all the active timers
  • create a timer
  • cancel a timer

Update (14 July 2015)

The EJB @Schedule annotation comes in handy in case you need to create timers automatically. One can use cron-like expression to configure the appropriate schedule. If you need more flexibility, the good old TimerService works like a charm.

Quick background

  • The TimerService interface was Introduced in EJB 2.1 [yeah .. J2EE days ! ;-) ]
  • Used to create Timer objects programmatically
  • Used to work in conjunction with an implementation of the TimedObject interface [pre EJB 3.0] to serve as a call back for timer triggers
  • Since EJB 3.0, the @Timeout annotation was used to mark a method in a (stateless/singleton/message driven) bean to act as the receiver of timer call backs from the EBJ container
  • Things were further improved in EJB 3.1 with the introduction of ScheduleExpression which allowed fine grained timer scheduling – this was the programmatic equivalent of @Schedule

EJB Timer related components (for quick reference)

RESTful Timers

One can easily expose a simple RESTful interface to work with EJB Timers. Actions such as creating timers, fetching timer details as well cancelling timers can be executed on the fly.

A simple implementation is available via this Github project. It’s a simple Java EE 7 Maven project built on Netbeans. You should be able to set it up easily.

Here is a gist

  • POST a request to schedule a timer (JSON/XML payload representing the schedule configuration)
    @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    public Response schedule(@HeaderParam("name") final String timerName, final ScheduleConfiguration config) {
        auditScheduler.schedule(from(config), new TimerConfig(timerName, config.isPersistent()));
        return Response.created(UriBuilder.fromResource(AuditSchedulerResource.class).path(timerName).build(timerName)).build();
  • GET all active timers and their respective details (JSON/XML representation)
    @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    public Response getAllTimers() {
        List<String> ejbTimers = auditScheduler.getAllTimers();
        List<ScheduledTimerInfo> timers = ejbTimers.stream().map((id) -> auditScheduler.getTimerInfo(id)).collect(Collectors.toList());
        GenericEntity<List<ScheduledTimerInfo>> entities = new GenericEntity<List<ScheduledTimerInfo>>(timers) {};
        return Response.ok(entities).build();
  • GET information for a specific timer (JSON/XML representation)
    @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    public Response getTimerInfo(@PathParam("id") String name) {
        ScheduledTimerInfo info = auditScheduler.getTimerInfo(name);
        return Response.ok(info).build();
  • DELETE (cancel) an existing timer
    public void cancel(@PathParam("id") String name) {
  • Use JAXB annotated POJOs to represent scheduler configuration and details
  • Leverage default JSON support in Java EE 7

The WADL should tell the story:



Reference: RESTful timers in Java EE from our JCG partner Abhishek Gupta at the Object Oriented.. blog.
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