Software Development

How To Return Error Details From REST APIs

The HTTP protocol uses status codes to return error information. This facility, while extremely useful, is too limited for many use cases. So how do we return more detailed information?

There are basically two approaches we can take:

  1. Use a dedicated media type that contains the error details
  2. Include the error details in the used media type

Dedicated Error Media Types

There are at least two candidates in this space:

  1. Problem Details for HTTP APIs is an IETF draft that we’ve used in some of our APIs to good effect. It treats both problem types and instances as URIs and is extensible. This media type is available in both JSON and XML flavors.
  2. application/vnd.error+json is for JSON media types only. It also feels less complete and mature to me.

A media type dedicated to error reporting has the advantage of being reusable in many REST APIs. Any existing libraries for handling them could save us some effort. We also don’t have to think about how to structure the error details, as someone else has done all that hard work for us.

However, putting error details in a dedicated media type also increases the burden on clients, since they now have to handle an additional media type.

Another disadvantage has to do with the Accept header. It’s highly unlikely that clients will specify the error media type in Accept. In general, we should either return 406 or ignore the Accept header when we can’t honor it. The first option is not acceptable (pun intended), the second is not very elegant.

Including Error Details In Regular Media Type

We could also design our media types such that they allow specifying error details. In this post, I’m going to stick with three mature media types: Mason, Siren, and UBER.

Mason uses the @error property:

  "@error": {
    "@id": "b2613385-a3b2-47b7-b336-a85ac405bc66",
    "@message": "There was a problem with one or more input values.",
    "@code": "INVALIDINPUT"

The existing error properties are compatible with Problem Details for HTTP APIs, and they can be extended.

Siren doesn’t have a specific structure for errors, but we can easily model errors with the existing structures:

  "class": [
  "properties": {
    "id": "b2613385-a3b2-47b7-b336-a85ac405bc66",
    "message": "There was a problem with one or more input values.",
    "code": "INVALIDINPUT"

We can even go a step further and use entities to add detailed sub-errors. This would be very useful for validation errors, for instance, where you can report all errors to the client at once. We could also use the existing actions property to include a retry action. And we could use the error properties from Problem Details for HTTP APIs.

UBER has an explicit error structure:

  "uber": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "error": {
      "data": [
        { "name": "id", "value": "b2613385-a3b2-47b7-b336-a85ac405bc66" },
        { "name": "message", "value": "There was a problem with one or more input values." },
        { "name": "code", "value": "INVALIDINPUT" }

Again, we could reuse the error properties from Problem Details for HTTP APIs.


My advice would be to use the error structure of your existing media type and use the extensibility features to steal all the good ideas from Problem Details for HTTP APIs.

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