Software Development

Application Security – Can you Rely on the Honeymoon Effect?

I learned about some interesting research from Dave Mortman at this year’s RSA conference in San Francisco which supports the Devops and Agile arguments that continuous, incremental, iterative changes can be made safely: a study by by the MIT Lincoln lab (Milk or Wine: Does Software Security Improve with Age?) and The Honeymoon Effect, by Sandy Clark at the University of Pennsylvania.

These studies show that most software vulnerabilities are foundational (introduced from start of development up to first release), the result of early decisions and not the result of later incremental changes. And there is a “honeymoon period” after software is released, before bad guys understand it well enough to find and exploit vulnerabilities. Which means the more often that you release software changes, the safer your system could be.

Understanding the Honeymoon Effect

Research on the honeymoon period, the time “after the release a software product (or version) and before the discovery of the first vulnerability” seems to show that finding security vulnerabilities is “primarily a function of familiarity with the system”. Software security vulnerabilities aren’t like functional or reliability bugs which are mostly found soon after release, slowing down over time:

“…we would expect attackers (and legitimate security researchers) who are looking for bugs to exploit to have the easiest time of it early in the life cycle. This, after all, is when the software is most intrinsically weak, with the highest density of ”low hanging fruit” bugs still unpatched and vulnerable to attack. As time goes on, after all, the number of undiscovered bugs will only go down, and those that remain will presumably require increasing effort to find and exploit.

But our analysis of the rate of the discovery of exploitable bugs in widely-used commercial and open-source software, tells a very different story than what the conventional software engineering wisdom leads us to expect. In fact, new software overwhelmingly enjoys a honeymoon from attack for a period after it is released. The time between release and the first 0-day vulnerability in a given software release tends to be markedly longer than the interval between the first and second vulnerability discovered, which in turn tends to be longer than the time between the second and the third…”

It may take a while for attackers to find the first vulnerability, but then it gets progressively easier – because attackers use information from previous vulnerabilities to find the next ones, and because the more vulnerabilities they find, the more confident they are in their ability to find even more (there’s blood in the water for a reason).

This means that software may actually be safest when it should be the weakest:

“when the software is at its weakest, with the ‘easiest’ exploitable vulnerabilities still unpatched, there is a lower risk that this will be discovered by an actual attacker on a given day than there will be after the vulnerability is fixed!”

Code Reuse Shortens your Honeymoon

Clark’s team also found that re-use of code shortens the honeymoon, because this code may already be known to attackers:

“legacy code resulting from code-reuse [whether copy-and-paste or using frameworks or common libraries] is a major contributor to both the rate of vulnerability discovery and the numbers of vulnerabilities found…

We determined that the standard practice of reusing code offers unexpected security challenges. The very fact that this software is mature means that there has been ample opportunity to study it in sufficient detail to turn vulnerabilities into exploits.”

In fact, reuse of code can lead to “less than Zero day” vulnerabilities – software that is already known to be vulnerable before your software is released.

Leveraging Open Source or frameworks and libraries and copying-and-pasting from code that is already working obviously saves times and reduces development costs, and helps developers to minimize technical risks, including security risks – it should be safer to use a special-purpose security library or the security features of your application framework than it is to try to solve security problems on your own. But this also brings along its own set of risks, especially the dangers of using popular software components with known vulnerabilities – software that attackers know and can easily exploit on a wide scale. This means that if you’re going to use Open Source (and just about everybody does today), then you need to put in proactive controls to track what code is being used and make sure that you keep it up to date.

Make the Honeymoon Last as Long as you can

One risk of Agile development and Devops is that security can’t keep up with the rapid pace of change – at least not the way that most organizations practice security today. But if you’re moving fast enough, the bad guys might not be able to keep up either. So speed can actually become a security advantage:

“Software that was changed more frequently had a significantly longer median honeymoon before the first vulnerability was discovered.”

The idea of constant change as protection is behind Shape Shifter, an interesting new technology which constantly changes attributes of web application code so that attackers, especially bots, can’t get a handle on how the system works or execute simple automated attacks.

But speed of change isn’t enough by itself to protect you, especially since a lot changes that developers make don’t materially affect the Attack Surface of the application – the points in the system that an attacker can use to get into (or get data out of) an application. Changes like introducing a new API or file upload, or a new user type, or modifying the steps in a key business workflow like an account transfer function could make the system easier or harder to attack. But most minor changes to the UI or behind the scenes changes to analytics and reporting and operations functions don’t factor in.

The honeymoon can’t last forever any ways: it could be as long as 3 years, or as short as 1 day. If you are stupid or reckless or make poor technology choices or bad design decisions it won’t take the bad guys that long to find the first vulnerability, regardless of how often you fiddle with the code, and it will only get worse from there. You still have to do a responsible job in design and development and testing, and carefully manage code reuse, especially use of Open Source code – whatever you can to make the honeymoon last as long as possible.

Jim Bird

Jim is an experienced CTO, software development manager and project manager, who has worked on high-performance, high-reliability mission-critical systems for many years, as well as building software development tools. His current interests include scaling Lean and Agile software development methodologies, software security and software assurance.
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Jessica Dodson
10 years ago

“It may take a while for attackers to find the first vulnerability, but then it gets progressively easier – because attackers use information from previous vulnerabilities to find the next ones,”

Interesting, but it makes sense. Once that first vulnerability has been exploited that flaw can be used as a stepping stone to find other security holes. And once your system has been seen as an “easy target” the attacks start coming out of the woodwork.

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