Enterprise Java

Spring Testing Support with TestNG

TestNG is a test framework which is designed to cover all categories of tests: unit, functional, end-to-end, integration, (etc). It includes a lot of features such as flexible test configuration, support for data-driven testing (with @DataProvider), powerful execution model (no more TestSuite) (etc).

Spring testing support covers very useful and important features for unit and integration testing of spring based applications. The org.springframework.test.context.testng package provides support classes for TestNG based test cases. This article shows how to test Spring Service layer components by using Spring and TestNG integration. Also next article will show how to test Spring Data Access layer components by using same integration.

Used Technologies :

JDK 1.6.0_31
Spring 3.1.1
TestNG 6.4
Maven 3.0.2


A maven project is created as follows. (It can be created by using Maven or IDE Plug-in).


Spring dependencies are added to Maven’ s pom.xml.


        <!-- Spring 3 dependencies -->



        <!-- TestNG dependency -->

        <!-- Log4j dependency -->



A new User Class is created.

package com.otv.user;

 * User Bean
 * @author  onlinetechvision.com
 * @since   19 May 2012
 * @version 1.0.0
public class User {

 private String id;
 private String name;
 private String surname;

  * Gets User Id
  * @return String id
 public String getId() {
  return id;

  * Sets User Id
  * @param String id
 public void setId(String id) {
  this.id = id;

  * Gets User Name
  * @return String name
 public String getName() {
  return name;

  * Sets User Name
  * @param String name
 public void setName(String name) {
  this.name = name;

  * Gets User Surname
  * @return String Surname
 public String getSurname() {
  return surname;

  * Sets User Surname
  * @param String surname
 public void setSurname(String surname) {
  this.surname = surname;

 public String toString() {
  StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
  strBuilder.append("Id : ").append(getId());
  strBuilder.append(", Name : ").append(getName());
  strBuilder.append(", Surname : ").append(getSurname());
  return strBuilder.toString();

 public int hashCode() {
  final int prime = 31;
  int result = 1;
  result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode());
  result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
  result = prime * result + ((surname == null) ? 0 : surname.hashCode());
  return result;

 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
  if (this == obj)
   return true;
  if (obj == null)
   return false;
  if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
   return false;
  User other = (User) obj;
  if (id == null) {
   if (other.id != null)
    return false;
  } else if (!id.equals(other.id))
   return false;
  if (name == null) {
   if (other.name != null)
    return false;
  } else if (!name.equals(other.name))
   return false;
  if (surname == null) {
   if (other.surname != null)
    return false;
  } else if (!surname.equals(other.surname))
   return false;
  return true;

STEP 4 : CREATE NonExistentUserException CLASS

NonExistentUserException Class is created.

package com.otv.common.exceptions;

 * Non Existent User Exception
 * @author  onlinetechvision.com
 * @since   19 May 2012
 * @version 1.0.0
public class NonExistentUserException extends Exception {

 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

 public NonExistentUserException(String message) {


ICacheService Interface representing a cache service interface, is created.

package com.otv.cache.service;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import com.otv.user.User;

 * Cache Service Interface
 * @author  onlinetechvision.com
 * @since   19 May 2012
 * @version 1.0.0
public interface ICacheService {

  * Gets User Map
  * @return ConcurrentHashMap User Map
 ConcurrentHashMap<String, User> getUserMap();


STEP 6 : CREATE CacheService CLASS

CacheService Class is created by implementing ICacheService Interface. It provides access to the remote cache…

package com.otv.cache.service;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import com.otv.user.User;

 * Cache Service Implementation
 * @author  onlinetechvision.com
 * @since   19 May 2012
 * @version 1.0.0
public class CacheService implements ICacheService {

 //User Map is injected...
 private ConcurrentHashMap<String, User> userMap;

  * Gets User Map
  * @return ConcurrentHashMap User Map
 public ConcurrentHashMap<String, User> getUserMap() {
  return userMap;

  * Sets User Map
  * @param ConcurrentHashMap User Map
 public void setUserMap(ConcurrentHashMap<String, User> userMap) {
  this.userMap = userMap;



IUserService Interface representing User Service interface is created.

package com.otv.user.service;

import java.util.Collection;

import com.otv.common.exceptions.NonExistentUserException;
import com.otv.user.User;

 * User Service Interface
 * @author  onlinetechvision.com
 * @since   19 May 2012
 * @version 1.0.0
public interface IUserService {

  * Adds User
  * @param  User user
  * @return boolean whether delete operation is success or not.
 boolean addUser(User user);

  * Deletes User
  * @param  User user
  * @return boolean whether delete operation is success or not.
 boolean deleteUser(User user);

  * Updates User
  * @param  User user
  * @throws NonExistentUserException
 void updateUser(User user) throws NonExistentUserException;

  * Gets User
  * @param  String User Id
  * @return User
 User getUserById(String id);

  * Gets User Collection
  * @return List - User list
 Collection<User> getUsers();


UserService Class is created by implementing IUserService Interface.

package com.otv.user.service;

import java.util.Collection;
import com.otv.cache.service.ICacheService;
import com.otv.common.exceptions.NonExistentUserException;
import com.otv.user.User;

 * User Service
 * @author  onlinetechvision.com
 * @since   19 May 2012
 * @version 1.0.0
public class UserService implements IUserService {

 //CacheService is injected...
 private ICacheService cacheService;

  * Adds User
  * @param  User user
  * @return boolean whether delete operation is success or not.
 public boolean addUser(User user) {

  getCacheService().getUserMap().put(user.getId(), user);
  if(getCacheService().getUserMap().get(user.getId()).equals(user)) {
   return true;

  return false;

  * Deletes User
  * @param  User user
  * @return boolean whether delete operation is success or not.
 public boolean deleteUser(User user) {
  User removedUser = getCacheService().getUserMap().remove(user.getId());
  if(removedUser != null) {
   return true;
  return false;

  * Updates User
  * @param  User user
  * @throws NonExistentUserException
 public void updateUser(User user) throws NonExistentUserException {
  if(getCacheService().getUserMap().containsKey(user.getId())) {
   getCacheService().getUserMap().put(user.getId(), user);
  } else {
   throw new NonExistentUserException("Non Existent User can not update! User : "+user);

  * Gets User
  * @param  String User Id
  * @return User
 public User getUserById(String id) {
  return getCacheService().getUserMap().get(id);

  * Gets User List
  * @return Collection - Collection of Users
 public Collection<User> getUsers() {
  return (Collection<User>) getCacheService().getUserMap().values();

  * Gets Cache Service
  * @return ICacheService - Cache Service
 public ICacheService getCacheService() {
  return cacheService;

  * Sets Cache Service
  * @param ICacheService - Cache Service
 public void setCacheService(ICacheService cacheService) {
  this.cacheService = cacheService;


STEP 9 : CREATE UserServiceTester CLASS

User Service Tester Class is created by extending AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests.

package com.otv.user.service.test;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import com.otv.common.exceptions.NonExistentUserException;
import com.otv.user.User;
import com.otv.user.service.IUserService;

 * User Service Tester Class
 * @author  onlinetechvision.com
 * @since   19 May 2012
 * @version 1.0.0
public class UserServiceTester extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {

 private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UserServiceTester.class);

 private IUserService userService;

 private User firstUser;
 private User secondUser;
 private User thirdUser;

  * Creates Test Users
 private void createUsers() {
  firstUser = new User();

        secondUser = new User();

        thirdUser = new User();

  * Asserts that User Properties are not null.
  * @param User
 private void assertNotNullUserProperties(User user) {
  Assert.assertNotNull("User must not be null!", user);
  Assert.assertNotNull("Id must not be null!", user.getId());
  Assert.assertNotNull("Name must not be null!", user.getName());
  Assert.assertNotNull("Surname must not be null!", user.getSurname());

  * The annotated method will be run before any test method belonging to the classes
  * inside the <test> tag is run.
    public void beforeTest() {
  logger.debug("BeforeTest method is run...");

  * The annotated method will be run before the first test method in the current class
  * is invoked.
    public void beforeClass() {
  logger.debug("BeforeClass method is run...");

  * The annotated method will be run before each test method.
    public void beforeMethod() {
  logger.debug("BeforeMethod method is run...");

  * Tests the process of adding user
 public void addUser() {
  Assert.assertTrue("User can not be added! User : " + firstUser, getUserService().addUser(firstUser));

  * Tests the process of querying user
 public void getUserById() {
  User tempUser = getUserService().getUserById(firstUser.getId());
  Assert.assertEquals("Id is wrong!", "1", tempUser.getId());
  Assert.assertEquals("Name is wrong!", "Lionel", tempUser.getName());
  Assert.assertEquals("Surname is wrong!", "Messi", tempUser.getSurname());

  * Tests the process of deleting user
 public void deleteUser() {
  Assert.assertTrue("User can not be added! User : " + secondUser, getUserService().addUser(secondUser));
  Assert.assertTrue("User can not be deleted! User : " + secondUser, getUserService().deleteUser(secondUser));

  * Tests the process of updating user
  * @throws NonExistentUserException
 @Test(expectedExceptions = NonExistentUserException.class)
 public void updateUser() throws NonExistentUserException {

  * Test user count
 public void getUserCount() {
  Assert.assertEquals(1, getUserService().getUsers().size());

  * The annotated method will be run after all the test methods in the current class have been run.
    public void afterClass() {
  logger.debug("AfterClass method is run...");

  * The annotated method will be run after all the test methods belonging to the classes inside the <test> tag have run.
    public void afterTest() {
  logger.debug("AfterTest method is run...");

  * The annotated method will be run after each test method.
    public void afterMethod() {
  logger.debug("AfterMethod method is run...");

  * Gets User Service
  * @return IUserService User Service
 public IUserService getUserService() {
  return userService;

  * Sets User Service
  * @param IUserService User Service
 public void setUserService(IUserService userService) {
  this.userService = userService;


STEP 10 : CREATE applicationContext.xml

Application Context is created as follows :

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"


 <!-- User Map Declaration -->
 <bean id="UserMap" class="java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap" />

 <!-- Cache Service Declaration -->
 <bean id="CacheService" class="com.otv.cache.service.CacheService">
  <property name="userMap" ref="UserMap"/>

 <!-- User Service Declaration -->
 <bean id="UserService" class="com.otv.user.service.UserService">
    <property name="cacheService" ref="CacheService"/>


In this article, TestNG Eclipse Plugin has been used. If you use Eclipse, it can be downloaded via TestNG download page

If UserServiceTester is run, results of the test cases are shown as follows :



Spring Testing Support
TestNG Reference

Reference: Spring Testing Support with TestNG from our JCG partner Eren Avsarogullari at the Online Technology Vision blog.

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